Utah Board of Higher Education

Commissioner of Higher Education Nominations

The Utah State Board of Regents and Utah System of Technical Colleges Board of Trustees invite nominations and applications for the position of Commissioner of Higher Education for the Utah System of Higher Education.

Beginning July 1, 2020, Utah’s two systems of postsecondary education will combine to create the Utah System of Higher Education and will be comprised of eight technical colleges, two community colleges, four regional universities, and two research universities.  The system will be governed by the Utah Board of Higher Education. The Commissioner of Higher Education will serve as the system’s chief executive officer and the primary representative of higher education in Utah. 

The commissioner will help the Board of Higher Education provide strategic, statewide leadership and set a vision for the future of higher education. The commissioner will position the system to meet Utah’s economic and workforce needs, enhance the system’s impact and efficiency, expand affordable access, increase completion, and develop a plan with measurable goals to achieve these objectives. The commissioner will identify challenges and innovations in academic and technical education and provide the Board with informed advice and recommendations for policies, programs, and resources to best meet the needs of current and future students. The commissioner will also lead a comprehensive effort to increase the system’s effectiveness and efficiency by identifying and establishing shared administrative services among the institutions.

The new commissioner will be responsible to unify two separate but effective organizations into one flourishing system, while navigating the inevitable challenges of large-scale change. The commissioner must possess the necessary qualities to build trust and credibility with diverse groups and individuals, including the members of the Board of Higher Education, students, the state legislature, the governor, business and industry leaders, state and local K-12 leaders, and peers throughout the country. The commissioner will use these relationships to build strong public and private support for higher education. The commissioner must specifically nurture strong, trusting partnerships with institutional presidents, work to understand their specific challenges, and seek opportunities to help them and their institutions succeed.

Candidates should have broad administrative, executive, and educational leadership experience in academic and technical education. Successful candidates will demonstrate a proven record of innovation in technical and academic education, show achievements working with national, state and local policymakers, and will have an established commitment to student success.  Candidates must show a deep understanding of the challenges, changes, and advances in academic education and technical education, and express how technical education and academic education contribute shared and distinct roles in economic and workforce development. A terminal degree is preferred.

Interested candidates should submit a resume or CV and a cover letter explaining their qualifications and vision for the position by April 30, 2020.  Please email materials to glandward@ushe.edu.  You may make inquiries to Geoff Landward at the same email or by phone: 801-554-8131.

The Utah Board of Higher Education is an equal opportunity employer.

Media Inquiries

Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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