Regents Present
Daniel W. Campbell, Chair
France A. Davis, Vice Chair
Ty B. Aller
Jesselie B. Anderson
Nina R. Barnes
Wilford Clyde
Marlin K. Jensen
Patricia Jones
Steven Lund
Robert S. Marquardt (day session)
Steve Moore (day session)
Robert W. Prince
Harris H. Simmons
Mark R. Stoddard
Spencer F. Stokes (day session)
Teresa L. Theurer
Joyce P. Valdez
John H. Zenger (day session)
Regents Absent
Leslie B. Castle
Office of the Commissioner
David L. Buhler, Commissioner of Higher Education
Institutional Presidents Present
Stan L. Albrecht, Utah State University (Evening Committee of the Whole)
Other Commissioner’s Office and institutional personnel were also present. The signed role is on file in the Commissioner’s Office.
Chair Campbell called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. He welcomed Regents in attendance and introduced new Regent, Spencer F. Stokes.
Oath of Office-Spencer F. Stokes
Having been appointed to the Board of Regents, Spencer F. Stokes took the Oath of Office
It was moved by Regent Stoddard and seconded by Regent Simmons to meet in Executive Session for the sole purpose of discussing the character and professional competence of the applicants for the Utah State University Presidential Search. The motion carried. The Regents met in executive session from 8:05 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Chair Campbell called the Board of Regents Committee of the Whole to order again at 5:30 p.m.
Chair Campbell recognized on the stand members of the Board of Regents, the Executive Committee of the Utah State University Trustees, and President and Joyce Albrecht. He noted that early this year President Albrecht announced his retirement. Chair Campbell said he cannot overstate President Albrecht’s impact on the University. His vision has elevated the University beyond the most optimistic expectations; he leaves a legacy culminating in an outstanding faculty and remarkable scholarship, a student-centered education experience and a growing national and international reputation for innovation and distinction. Utah State University now stands ready to continue on the trajectory President Albrecht has set.
Chair Campbell turned the time over the President and Joyce Albrecht. Joyce Albrecht thanked everyone for their support and wished the new President the same joy and success they have enjoyed over the past 12 years. President Albrecht said the last 12 years has been an amazing journey. He urged everyone to support the new President in the same manner they have supported him.
Chair Campbell recognized the Search Committee and thanked them for their work; he also thanked the Comissioner’s staff for leading the search committee.
Search Committee Chair Regent Theurer recognized the efforts and work of the Comissioner’s office. She thanked the search committee and community for their input, work and efforts in this process.
Search Committee Vice-Chair and Trustee Chair Rob Jibson expressed his gratitude for President and Joyce Albrecht and for their leadership. He thanked Comissioner Buhler and his staff, as well as the Regents, Trustees and Search Committee for their work. He also thanked Regent Theurer for her leadership on the search committee.
Utah State University Presidential Appointment
Regent Theurer, Chair of the Search Committee, moved to appoint Noelle Cockett as the next president of Utah State University. It was seconded by Regent Jensen. The motion carried unanimously.
President and Mr. Cockett were introduced to the audience. Chair Campbell, Commissioner Buhler, and Utah State University Trustee Chair Ron Jibson each congratulated and welcomed them. President Cockett said she is deeply humbled and honored to be selected as the 16th president of Utah State University. Mr. Cockett also said how honored they are and he recognized their children in the audience.
The Committee of the Whole adjourned at 5:53 p.m.