
Advantages of Completing College Acceleration Courses in High School

Key Findings:

  • High school students who enroll in college acceleration courses are more likely to be female and white.
  • Seventy percent of enrollments are general education courses.
  • High school students enrolling in college acceleration courses are 2.4 times more likely to enroll at a USHE institution than similar students who do not take those courses.
  • Most awards earned when students receive their high school diploma are certificates in the health professions.

While the number of jobs across the United States requiring postsecondary education continues to grow, concerns remain about too few students enrolling in higher education, the affordability of college, and decreasing levels of
college completion.

One solution to address these issues has been to enroll students in college-level courses and certificate programs while still in high school. While most studies examined courses in which students receive both high school and college credit, the present analysis looks at all college courses students participated in regardless of whether they received high school credit.

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