
State Scholarship Taskforce Issues Recommendations

Scholarships are awarded based on various criteria that reflect the values and purposes of the donor or founder of the award and are often used to encourage progress toward strategic objectives. They may reward excellence in academics (merit-based scholarships), encourage students to complete certificates or degrees, recruit students to participate in various programs (e.g., athletics, […]

USHE Career and Technical Education: Helping to meet state workforce needs

Each year, the Utah System of Higher Education produces an annual report on Career and Technical Education. CTE can be defined as organized educational programs offering sequences of courses directly related to preparing individuals for paid or unpaid employment in current or emerging occupations requiring other than a baccalaureate or advanced degree. CTE is a key […]

Board of Regents honor Utah’s state higher ed governing body’s 50th anniversary

[Pictured above: 1969 Utah Board of Regents] Fifty years ago, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) was formed by the state legislature with a single board—the Utah State Board of Regents—to govern the new system. In 1969, the population in Utah was just over one million. The world was learning new things about the […]

USHE Board of Regents welcomes four new members

Pictured above from left to right: Harris H. Simmons, USHE chair; Lisa-Michele Church, USHE regent; Sheva Mozafari, USHE student regent; Alan Hall, USHE regent The Utah System of Higher Education welcomes four new members to the USHE Board of Regents, including a new student regent. From a community activist to an award-winning entrepreneur, these new […]

In a national context: Utah’s growing opportunity gap

At the August Board of Regents meeting, the new Workforce, Access, and Advocacy Committee tasked the Commissioner’s office with taking a closer look at data on Utah’s growing opportunity gap. Further evaluation of this gap will help to identify statewide strategies that address barriers for minority populations to access and complete postsecondary educational opportunities.