Board of Regents changes tuition policies, discontinuing practice of uniform, statewide tuition adjustments

Any tuition adjustments moving forward will be solely institution-specific

The Board of Regents adopted policy changes today that transform the way tuition will be adjusted at the public colleges and universities in Utah.

Previously, the Board used a tiered system to make changes in tuition: a single, uniform increase at every institution, with possible, institution-specific increases on top of the uniform increase.

Under the policies adopted today, the practice of systemwide, uniform increases has been discontinued. The Board of Regents is moving to a process that allows for institution-specific-only tuition rates. This new practice will be in effect when the Board considers tuition adjustments for the 2019-2020 academic year.

“The Board is pleased to adopt this set of policy changes today, which clarify and streamline the tiered process we have historically used to set tuition in Utah,” said Harris Simmons, chair of the Utah Board of Regents. “These changes will help provide the Board with a robust tuition-setting process moving forward, which will be more transparent and will allow for greater public input.”

For more on the specific policy changes, see here.

In addition, a scope for the Board’s comprehensive tuition and student aid study was approved at today’s meeting. This study will address the following:

  1. Conduct a tuition and student aid policy baseline assessment;
  2. Identify the value of nonresident students to the USHE institutions and state of Utah; and
  3. Identify potential options for the Board to consider when defining affordability and appropriate system metrics.



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Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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