Bradley J. Cook named 17th president of Snow College

The Utah Board of Regents has unanimously selected Bradley J. Cook as the seventeenth president of Snow College. “Dr. Cook is a nationally respected scholar and dynamic leader in higher education,” said Harris Simmons, Chair of the Board of Regents. “His experience, vision, and dedication to academic excellence will ensure Snow College continues to thrive […]

Four finalists named in Snow College presidential search

Public meetings with finalists January 10; presidential appointment expected January 11 After an extensive national search, the Snow College Presidential Search Committee has recommended four finalists to the State Board of Regents for the position of Snow College President: Bradley J. Cook, Steven J. Hood, Val L. Peterson, and Courtney R. White. Current Snow College […]

Brad L. Mortensen named 13th president of Weber State University

The Utah State Board of Regents has selected Brad L. Mortensen as the thirteenth president of Weber State University. “President Mortensen brings both institutional familiarity and broad perspective to his new role as president of Weber State University. He is widely respected by our community partners, and is a thoughtful and effective higher education leader,” […]

Pell grant volume at Utah’s public colleges and universities exceeds $222 million

16 percent increase comes as year-round grant is offered Pell grant volume at Utah’s public colleges and universities has exceeded $222 million for the 2017-18 award year – an increase of 16 percent compared to the 2016-17 award year. Nearly one in three of the 184,000 students who attend Utah’s public higher education institutions received […]

Regents approve plan to place a college access advisor in every high school in Utah

The Utah Board of Regents has approved a statewide proposal at its meeting on Friday, September 21, 2018, that will put a permanent, full-time college access advisor in every high school in Utah. The near-peer college access advisor will help students register for and complete college entrance exams, submit college applications, apply for scholarships and financial aid, and connect […]

Half of 2017 Utah high school grads took at least one Concurrent Enrollment class

The Commissioner’s Office recently released the Concurrent Enrollment Annual Report for the 2016-17 academic year. Concurrent Enrollment (CE) provides an opportunity for prepared Utah high school junior and senior students – freshmen and sophomores by exception – to take college courses and earn both high school credit for graduation and college credit corresponding to the first year at a […]

Utah continues to have the lowest student loan debt in the nation

Except for mortgages, student loans make up the largest component of household debt for Americans. And the amount of student loans in the nation continue to grow. At the end of the first quarter of 2018, total outstanding college-loan balances were $1.41 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The good news […]