
Board of Regents approves second-lowest tuition increase in 17 years

Continues trend of keeping average tuition increase as low as possible The Utah State Board of Regents approved an average system-wide tuition increase of 3.7% for the 2016-17 academic year—the second-lowest average increase since 1999—at their meeting today at Dixie State University. The increase is 3.5% at six of Utah’s eight higher education institutions. Commissioner […]

Newly-passed legislation will reduce administrative costs for online courses

HB 379, Interstate Reciprocity Agreement for Postsecondary Distance Education, sponsored by Rep. Val Peterson and Sen. Ann Millner, was passed during the 2016 Legislative Session. While the legislation itself didn’t receive much attention, it will significantly reduce the costs to administer those programs. The bill received unanimous support by both the House and Senate and […]

Utah State University Presidential Search Committee members announced

The Board of Regents Chair Daniel Campbell has named a 25-member committee to conduct a national search for the next president of Utah State University. Utah State University President Stan Albrecht announced his retirement February 3, 2016, and will remain in office until a new president of USU is named. Regent Teresa Theurer will chair […]

ACT Conference focuses on student access to higher education

Last week, Utah Valley University hosted the 2016 Utah ACT State Organization Conference. The conference strives to bring education and career readiness professionals a broad range of topics that meet the diverse needs of preparing students for college and career success. Attendees discussed key education strategies intended to foster positive change in schools throughout Utah, […]

Is a college degree still worth it? Yes, but challenges exist

Several reports and articles of the last few months have reinforced the long-standing axiom – a college education is one of the best long-term investments an individual can make. This is especially the case in Utah. According to Mark Knold, the Supervising Economist at the Utah Department of Workforce Services: “Attaining more education corresponds with […]

Efforts to increase FAFSA completion in Utah

Anyone attending college or planning to attend college should complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which is the only way to receive federal financial aid for college in forms of Pell Grants, work-study, federal student loans, and some scholarships. Utah continues to be last in the nation for percent of eligible […]

2016 Legislative Update – Week 7

The 2016 Legislature adjourned on March 10, 2016. News coverage summarizing the legislative session are available here, here, and here. The following is an unofficial summary of the 2016 Legislative Session related to the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE). A formal report will be provided by the Commissioner at the meeting of the Board of […]

2016-17 Student Regent Application Now Available

The 2016-17 Student Regent Application is now available for any interested student planning to attend a USHE institution during the 2016-17 academic year. Governor Herbert will appoint the Student Regent for a one-year term and plays an important role in representing the voice of USHE students to the Board of Regents. Applications must be submitted by April 5, 2016.

Students can finish general ed requirements and easily transfer institutions using certificates of completion

General education is a required component of any associate (AA/AS) or bachelor’s degree in Utah’s public colleges and universities. Students must take at least 27 college credits in core courses such as English, math, science, and history to complete their general education requirements. General education courses help students become well-rounded, expose them to different subjects, and ensure they have a […]

Concurrent Enrollment legislation will better assist students to college success

HB 182, Concurrent Enrollment Education Amendments, co-sponsored by Rep. Val Peterson and Sen. Ann Millner improves the administration of concurrent enrollment (CE) courses statewide, streamlines the enrollment process, and will better inform students of how concurrent enrollment courses can best help them pursue their postsecondary goals. Already one of the most robust programs in the […]