
2016 Legislative Update – Week 5

2016-2017 Budget With revised revenue projections announced last week, significant budget decisions continue to loom before a final budget takes shape. There is still a lot of work on the budget as well as several bills that continue their march through the legislative process. Key Legislation *HB 182, Concurrent Enrollment Amendments by Rep. Val Peterson, […]

Performance funding rewards Utah’s public colleges & universities for achievement in key areas

In January 2015, the Board of Regents and co-chairs of the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee Senator Stephen Urquhart and Representative Keith Grover, established performance metrics for a portion of the new funds appropriated for the Utah System of Higher Education by the 2015 Legislature. This year USHE’s 2016-2017 budget priorities includes $15,000,000 for Performance Funding, using the […]

USHE institutions provide most of the post-secondary career & technical education in Utah

Career and Technical Education (CTE) consists of technical training and education in shorter intervals–from less than one year to two years–and prepares students for specific skills needed to enter the workforce. Institutions within the Utah System of Higher Education provide 73.4% of all post secondary CTE in Utah. By providing over 70 percent of CTE in Utah, […]

USHE budget priorities include crucial statewide initiatives, such as IT security & Regents’ Scholarship funding

The Utah System of Higher Education’s budget priorities for the 2016 Legislative session include two crucial statewide programs: enhanced cyber security at Utah’s public higher education institutions and funding for the merit-based Regents’ Scholarship. Enhanced Cyber Security: $2,500,000 The Chief Information officers (CIOs) of institutions within the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) are requesting funds to better […]

2016 Legislative Update – Week 4

Higher Education Day on the Hill Regents, Trustees, Presidents and student leaders gathered on Friday for the annual higher education luncheon in the Capitol Rotunda. Attended by over 75 legislators, including members of legislative leadership, it was a good opportunity to re-emphasize USHE’s budget and capital development priorities. The Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee The Higher […]

Utah’s colleges and universities get creative to increase institutional efficiency

Earlier this month, USHE presidents provided updates to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee on their progress on implementing the Board of Regents’ Completion Strategies, as well as improving institutional efficiencies. USHE presidents are constantly reprioritizing resources within their institutional budgets to expand new programs, reduce bottleneck courses, and maintain overall institutional efficiency. Presidents shared some of the […]

USHE prioritizes funding for initiatives that meet critical market demands

The Utah System of Higher Education is the primary provider of talent for Utah’s workforce and economy. This includes short-term skill training for a certificate, associate degree, baccalaureate, and graduate programs. The Board of Regents budget request for 2016-17 includes a priority for Market Demand programs, which would assist institutions in meeting the most pressing demands of […]

2016 Legislative Update – Week 3

Higher Education Budget The Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee met for its final scheduled hearing this week, focusing on the Board of Regents’ budget priorities for USHE. The committee also considered other budget requests from other legislative sponsors. After the Board’s budget priorities by Chair Dan Campbell and Commissioner Buhler, Senator Howard Stephenson commented, “To the […]

Tech use in higher ed continues to increase, but less than 3% of students enroll solely online

Technology plays an increasingly important role in college students’ lives. Students use technology throughout their college education, from courses taught partially or entirely online, to registration, instructor evaluations, and tuition payments. Completely online programs offered USHE institutions now offer 1,738 fully online courses, 140 of which were added in the last year. There are also […]