2016 Legislative Update – Week 5
2016-2017 Budget With revised revenue projections announced last week, significant budget decisions continue to loom before a final budget takes shape. There is still a lot of work on the budget as well as several bills that continue their march through the legislative process. Key Legislation *HB 182, Concurrent Enrollment Amendments by Rep. Val Peterson, […]
2016 Legislative Update – Week 4
Higher Education Day on the Hill Regents, Trustees, Presidents and student leaders gathered on Friday for the annual higher education luncheon in the Capitol Rotunda. Attended by over 75 legislators, including members of legislative leadership, it was a good opportunity to re-emphasize USHE’s budget and capital development priorities. The Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee The Higher […]
2016 Legislative Update – Week 1
Overview The 2016 Session of the Utah State Legislature got underway Monday, January 25, and will conclude Thursday, March 11. It is anticipated there will be several bills with potential impact to the Utah System of Higher Education, all of which will be carefully tracked by the Commissioner’s Office and institutions. 2016-2017 Budget According to […]
2015 Legislative Summary
Overview In preparation for the 2015 Legislative Session, the Board of Regents established a multi-layered budget strategy to continue addressing the most critical needs of USHE institutions as well as prioritize STEM needs in capital development. The Board, with the support of institutional presidents, prioritized merit-based compensation increases, continued support for Mission Based Funding, expanded […]
2015 Legislative Update – Week 6
2015-2016 Budget The Executive Appropriations Committee approved its first round of funding items on Thursday. For higher education, initial items include a beginning 2% merit increase in compensation, $8 million in performance funding ($2 million ongoing, $6 million one-time), and $2.5 million for growth in the Regents’ Scholarship. In addition, three of the Regents’ capital […]
2015 Legislative Update – Week 5
2015-2016 Budget With revised revenue projections announced last week, significant budget decisions continue to loom before a final budget takes shape, including Medicaid expansion and possible gas tax revisions. There is still a lot of work to be done on the budget as well as several bills that continue their march through the legislative process. […]
2015 Legislative Update – Week 4
Higher Education Luncheon Regents, Trustees, Presidents and student leaders gathered on Friday for the annual higher education luncheon in the Capitol Rotunda, attended by an estimated two-thirds of legislators. It was a good opportunity to visit informally and stress the importance of our legislative priorities. 2015-2016 Budget Revised state tax revenue figures agreed upon by […]
2015 Legislative Update – Week 3
2015-16 Budget – Performance Funding The Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee discussed performance funding for the Utah System of Higher Education in several of its meetings. Key components of a basic framework have been identified, and legislation is anticipated to specify performance funding as a category in future USHE budget requests. If funding is provided implementation […]
2015 Legislative Update – Week 2
There is additional legislation with potential impact to higher education. Much of the focus continues on the budget, and the Higher Educations Appropriations Subcommittee continues to meet this week. 2015-2016 Budget. Six USHE presidents gave excellent presentations to the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee (Presidents Wight and Huftalin presented previously). Their messages all provided relevant insights on […]
Legislative Update – Week 1
The 2015 Session of the Utah State Legislature got underway Monday, January 26, and will conclude Thursday, March 12. It is anticipated there will be several bills with potential impact to the Utah System of Higher Education, all of which will be carefully tracked by the Commissioner’s Office and institutions. 2015-2016 Budget According to the […]