
Commencement 2019: DSU, U of U, USU, and SUU graduation recap

Last week, Utah’s colleges and universities celebrated the accomplishments of their graduates with commencement ceremonies. This week, we will be highlighting graduation photos from institutions in the Utah System of Higher Education in two installments. The rest of the institutions will be highlighted on Thursday. Dixie State University: 1,927 graduates Certificates: 311 Associate: 904 Bachelor’s: […]

Trending in higher ed: Competency-based Education

What is Competency-based Education? Competency-based Education takes into account prior learning and is based on students’ mastery of knowledge or proficiency, skills, and abilities in a subject, rather than relying on a traditional, time-based learning structure which revolves around credit hours and grades. Through CBE, students progress through curriculum at their own pace, and as […]

Trending in Higher Ed: Open Educational Resources

The cost of textbooks has risen at more than four times the rate of inflation in the past decade, and the use of access codes for associated online materials (that then expire at the end of the term) undermine the rental and used-book marketplace. As the cost of attending college remains a key issue for […]

USHE institutions lecture on sustainability and practice it too

Communities around the world are set to celebrate and advocate for Earth Day on April 22. Utah System of Higher Education institutions and their communities realize the importance of sustainable practices. Currently, no systemwide policy exists surrounding sustainability on USHE campuses, but each institution has implemented their own set of important measures. Here’s a snapshot […]

How postsecondary education is governed in Utah

Postsecondary education governance structures were adopted in order to best serve each state’s higher education institutions, and for that reason, no two are exactly the same. Many states are split between having a single or multiple statewide coordinating boards, agencies, or governing boards to fulfill their postsecondary education needs. Governance structures in each state are […]

2019-2020 Student Regent applications due March 26

Since 1977, the Governor has appointed a student from an institution in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) to represent Utah students on the State Board of Regents. The Student Regent is a voting member of the Board and serves at the Governor’s appointment for one year. Any eligible USHE student is encouraged to apply. […]

Engineering and Computer Technology Initiative has produced nearly 40,000 degrees

In 2001, the Utah legislature approved a bill to establish Enhancements to the State Systems of Public and Higher Education (SB61) within the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE). The bill was created with the goal to increase the number of students graduating from engineering, computer science, and related technology programs. In order to track […]