
10-year strategic plan for Utah higher ed unanimously approved by Board of Regents

Last Friday, the Board of Regents unanimously approved a 10-year strategic plan for Utah higher education. The strategic planning process started in the summer of 2014, with the Board of Regents reviewing several drafts of the plan in 2015. A draft of the plan was open for public comment in November 2015. The Utah State Board of […]

USHE building priorities are vital to keep up with student growth

Board of Regents Prioritization of Capital Development Projects Unlike local school districts in K-12 that use property tax for support of facilities, higher education must rely on state appropriated funding from the Legislature to fund its facilities. The Board of Regents annually reviews system-wide capital development needs and prioritizes project requests which are then considered […]

Students earning college credit in high school increases 6%

Since 1985, Utah has provided an opportunity for prepared high school juniors and seniors to take college courses while still in high school. Through the Concurrent Enrollment program, students earn both high school credit for graduation and college credit corresponding to the first year at a college or university in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE). […]

2015 Annual USHE Scholarship Report

USHE’s annual Scholarship Report is now available. The report updates the Utah Legislature on the New Century and Regents’ Scholarships, which are administered by the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education. While the recipients for the New Century Scholarship has remained constant for several years, the Regents’ Scholarship continues to see increased growth, with […]

Utah Council of Education Deans presents 2015 Friend of Education Award to Dr. Teddi Safman

At the annual conference of the Utah Council of Education Deans earlier this month, Dr. Teddi Safman, Assistant Commissioner for Academic Affairs for the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE), was presented with the first-ever 2015 Friend of Education Award. This is due to her leadership and work on teacher preparation, common course articulation across Utah campuses, […]

USHE hosts 18th annual “What is an Educated Person?” conference

The Utah System of Higher Education will host the 18th annual ‘What is an Educated Person?’ conference on October 22-23, 2015.  This year’s theme,“Who are our students, what are they learning, how do we know, and how must we change?” reflects the state’s changing demographics. The featured keynote speaker is Ken O’Donnell, Senior Director of Student […]

2016-17 USHE capital facilities requests prioritized by Board of Regents

In preparation for the 2016 legislative session, the Utah State Board of Regents prioritized the state-funded capital facilities requests from institutions in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) during the Board of Regents meeting at Utah State University on Friday, September 18. Each year, the Regents re-evaluate the capital facilities needs of USHE institutions. This […]

Math and Graduation: Overview of SB 196 – Math Competency Initiative

This is the fifth article in a multi-part series about math in high school and college leading to completion of a degree or certificate. The first article focused on math and high school preparation, the second on developmental/remedial math, the third on math and STEM, and the fourth on math instruction innovations at Weber State University. […]