Commencement 2018: SLCC, U of U, USU, and UVU graduation recap

Utah’s colleges and universities have been celebrating the accomplishments of their graduates with commencement ceremonies the last few weeks. See 2018 commencement photos from DSU, Snow, SUU, and WSU.

Salt Lake Community College: 3,603 graduates

Certificates: 1,182
Associate: 3,033

University of Utah: 8,568 graduates

Bachelor’s: 5,791
Master’s: 2,343
Doctoral: 703
Juris Doctors: 97
Doctors of Pharmacy: 55
Doctors of Medicine: 101
Doctors of Dental Surgery: 23

Utah State University: 5,544 graduates

Associate: 1,339
Bachelor’s: 4,147
Master’s: 945
Doctorate: 94
Education Specialist: 6

Utah Valley University: 6,329 graduates

Certificate/Diploma: 329
Associate: 2,431
Bachelor’s: 3,372
Master’s: 194

*Some numbers represents duplicated counts since students often graduate with one or more degrees at the same time.

*All graduation totals are estimates until final numbers are received.

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Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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