Key findings:
- Regents’ Scholarship awardees received an average of $3,476.29 across 2.4 semesters.
- More Regents’ awardees earned associate and bachelor’s degrees compared to similar students.
- Most Regents’ recipients earned bachelor’s degrees as timely completions.
- Regents’ recipients required less aid in institutional support and federal loans.
- More Regents’ recipients from underrepresented populations earned bachelor’s degrees than similar students.
- More Regents’ recipients from underrepresented populations earned bachelor’s degrees as timely completions compared to similar students.

This brief examined the effect of Regents’ Scholarship awards on degree completions of Utah students. A comparison group was created by matching Regent recipients on gender, race, and ACT score. This brief also compares Utah Regents’ recipients to all other students in their cohort.