Ethics and Compliance Concerns

The Utah System of Higher Education is committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct. As part of this commitment, USHE uses a third-party whistleblower hotline system, EthicsPoint, to provide an independent avenue for confidential reporting of suspected problems.

Reports submitted through EthicsPoint are forwarded to the proper USHE or institutional officials for investigation and appropriate action. Persons making reports are not required to provide their names and can maintain anonymity, if desired. No employee may be subjected to reprisal or retaliation for making a report. 

The information you provide will be sent to the institution or the Office of the Commissioner on a totally confidential and anonymous basis if you choose. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard.

These hotline services do not replace or supersede existing reporting methods.

USHE encourages employees to bring concerns to their supervisor, Human Resources, or other office entities as appropriate.

Report a Concern or Incident

To report an ethical or compliance concern or a violation of HB 261, Equal Opportunity Initiatives, to the Office of the Commissioner, please select the link below:

Under HB 261, Equal Opportunity Initiatives, individuals may file a complaint against an institution of higher education for a violation of Utah Code section 53B-1-11653B-1-117, or 53B-1-118.

For other reporting options, please contact Utah Board of Higher Education Secretary Alison Adams at 801-646-4784.

Report a Concern to a USHE Institution

To report an ethical or compliance concern to a specific USHE college or university, please select an institution below:

Technical Colleges

Degree-Granting Colleges & Universities

Report a Concern to my529

To report an ethical or compliance concern to my529, Utah’s educational savings plan, please select the link below:

EthicsPoint is NOT a 911 or Emergency Service:

Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property.

Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities.