Salt Lake Community College Begins National Search for New President

SLCC South Campus

Salt Lake Community College announces 11-member Presidential Search Committee and upcoming public meetings.

As part of its delegated duties and responsibilities, the Salt Lake Community College (SLCC) Board of Trustees named an 11-member committee to conduct a national search for the next president of SLCC. The college is working with AGB Search, a national search firm, to establish a position announcement and call for nominations and applications. 

Brady Southwick, chair of SLCC’s Board of Trustees, will co-lead the presidential search committee with Sharon Eubank from the Utah Board of Higher Education. The committee is comprised of representatives from the Utah Board of Higher Education and SLCC trustees, faculty, staff, students, administration, and alumni as well as a community representative. 

“I’m confident with our search committee and stakeholders, that we will find someone with the higher education expertise and vision to lead Salt Lake Community College,” said Brady Southwick, SLCC Board of Trustees Chair. “We just celebrated our 75th anniversary, opened a new campus in Herriman, and saw a big jump in new enrollment. It is good timing for us to identify new leadership that can step in and guide the college into the future.” 

SLCC Board of Trustees

Brady Southwick, Chair

Lori Chillingworth, Vice Chair

Utah Board of Higher Education

  • Sharon Eubank
  • Tina Marriott Larson

SLCC Faculty, Staff, and Administration

  • Tim Sheehan, Vice President, Government and Community Relations
  • Robert Pettitt, Dean, School of Health Sciences
  • Gabe Byars, Faculty Senate President
  • Brandi Mair, Staff President
  • Joyce Wambuyi, Student Body President
  • Shawn Newell, Alumni Representative & Emeritus Trustee

Community Representative

  • Ross Romero, CEO of Inclusion Strategies, Former Utah State Senator 

In January, the search committee will hold three open meetings to gather public input. A reminder will be distributed the first week of January. 

  • January 9, 2024, 6– 7 p.m., South City Campus, Multipurpose Room
  • January 10, 2024, 11 a.m.– noon, Taylorsville Redwood Campus, Student Center Building, Oak Room
  • January 11, 2024, 1–3 p.m., Jordan Campus, Student Center, Multipurpose Room

Once a list of finalists is established, the presidential search committee will involve key Utah stakeholders in the interviewing process. The final step will be to send the list of finalists to the Utah Board of Higher Education for consideration as the next president of SLCC.

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