StepUp READY Grants

StepUp Ready grants are made possible by the Utah State Legislature and its vision of making college more attainable to all Utahns. The most effective college readiness efforts come as a result of strong partnerships between higher education and public education. Working together, K-12 and higher education institutions achieve positive outcomes for students who graduate ready to take on college. Goals for these grants include:

  • Increase number of students receiving 8th grade college prep introduction
  • Increase number of students achieving ACT college readiness benchmarks
  • Increase number of students taking Math 1030/1040/1050 and/or 4-years of math in high school
  • Increase number of students applying for Regents’ Scholarship

Step up ready grantsIn supporting Utah’s 66% by 2020 goal, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) invites grant applications from partnerships between school districts/local education authorities (LEAs) and Utah not-for-profit higher education institutions in an effort to increase the number of Utah’s public high school students who graduate college-ready and enroll in a post-secondary institution. Utilizing objectives that have been shown to increase college readiness and success, USHE will make a total of $600,000 in grants up to $50,000 available to school districts/LEAs that partner with Utah not-for-profit higher education institutions.

Grant Timeline

RFP Available June 23, 2014
Technical Assistance Call August 19, 2014
Application Due September 8, 2014
Consultation PeriodSeptember–October 2014
Selection AnnouncementNovember 3, 2014
Grant Monies Released January 2015
ImplementationJanuary–December 2015
First Interim Report Due June 2015
Second Interim Report Due January 2016
Data Analysis and Final ReportApril 2016

Find the Request for Proposals HERE

Media Inquiries

Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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