
Where do USHE students come from?

79% of students within the Utah System of Higher Education are Utah residents and most commonly attend the institution within their home region. As the map below indicates, USHE institutions are critical to the home regions they serve:   A full 63% of USHE students enroll and graduate from a single institution, according to the […]

2014-15 Utah College Guide now available

The latest edition of Utah’s only authoritative college preparation source published by the Utah System of Higher Education, the Utah College Guide, is now available – the printed companion to StepUpUtah.com. The printed College Guide provides students and parents up-to-date, critical information to explore, prepare and pay for a college education. 80,000 guides were printed with a […]

Concurrent enrollment – students saving big on college costs

Since 1985, Utah has provided an opportunity for prepared high school juniors and seniors to take college courses while still in high school. Through the Concurrent Enrollment program, students earn both high school credit for graduation and college credit corresponding to the first year at a college or university in the Utah System of Higher […]

Is the cost of college worth it?

Yes, it is!

That’s the $1.2 trillion question. Much attention has been given recently to the total amount of student debt in America. And while the system isn’t perfect and many issues remain to be worked out, the bottom line is a college education is the best investment you can make for your future. The disparity in wages […]


Unsure if you can use your college credits at a different Utah institution? Try TransferUtah, a site that shows how course credits earned at one college may transfer to Utah colleges. The guide describes whether the class will be considered equivalent to a class offered by the second institution or will be treated as elective credit.