Two additional University of Utah Presidential Search Committee members named by Utah Board of Higher Education

On February 5, the Utah Board of Higher Education named 28 members to serve on the University of Utah Presidential Search Committee. After further review, the Board added two additional members to serve on the committee for a more holistic pool of representatives from across the university.

The two additional members of the committee include:

University of Utah Administration, Faculty and Staff
Helene ShugartProfessor of Communications and Director of Graduate Studies for Communications Department
Sarah Creem-RegehrProfessor of Psychology

Both additional members of the committee have a background in the humanities and social sciences and were selected to serve as representation from those areas on the committee.

The search committee is co-chaired by Utah Board of Higher Education Chair Harris H. Simmons and University of Utah Board of Trustees Chair Christian Gardner. It is comprised of representatives from the Board of Higher Education, trustees and institutional stakeholders including faculty, staff, students, administration, alumni and community members.

Below is a complete list of the 30-member University of Utah Presidential Search Committee:

Board of Higher Education
Harris H. SimmonsBoard of Higher Education Chair and Search Committee Co-Chair
Arthur NewellBoard member
Crystal MaggeletBoard member
Shawn NewellBoard member
University of Utah Board of Trustees
Christian GardnerTrustee Chair and Search Committee Co-Chair
Katie EcclesTrustee Vice Chair
David ParkinTrustee
Kim BrunisholzTrustee; President U of U Alumni Association Board of Governors
University of Utah Administration, Faculty and Staff
Randy DryerPresident, Academic Senate; Lecturer, Honors College, College of Law
Sneha KaseraAssociate Dean for Academic Affairs, College of Engineering; Professor, School of Computing
Mary Elizabeth HartnettEndowed Chair and Distinguished Professor, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences; Adjunct Professor, Neurobiology and Anatomy Labs and Pediatrics
Al LandonAssistant Dean, Business Relations, David Eccles School of Business; Adjunct Professor, Accounting
Chris LinderAssociate Professor, Educational Leadership and Policy, College of Education; Director, McCluskey Center for Violence Prevention
Matthew SigmanPeter J. and Christine S. Stang Presidential Endowed Chair of Chemistry; Chair, Department of Chemistry; Distinguished Professor, Chemistry
Smitha WarrierAssistant Professor (Clinical), Department of Anesthesiology
Randall PetersonDean, College of Pharmacy; Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology
Martell TeasleyDean and Professor, College of Social Work
Alison Flynn GaffneyExecutive Director, Service Lines, Ancillary & Support Services, U of U Hospitals & Clinics
Mary Ann VillarrealVice President for Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Bryce WilliamsPresident, Staff Council; Program Coordinator, Bennion Community Service Center
Heidi WoodburyVice President for Institutional Advancement
Helene ShugartProfessor of Communications and Director of Graduate Studies for Communications Department
Sarah Creem-RegehrProfessor of Psychology
University of Utah Students
Merry JosephUndergraduate, Biomedical Engineering /Psychology
Ethan RamosUndergraduate, Computer Science 
Claudia LoayzaGraduate Student, Architecture + Planning
Community/Alumni Representatives
Clark IvoryCEO, Ivory Homes
Kathie MillerMember, U of U Health Educational Resource Development Council
Jennifer Price-WallinChair, College of Fine Arts Advisory Board
Charles SorensonPresident and CEO Emeritus, Intermountain Healthcare; Founding Director, Intermountain Healthcare Leadership Institute

Based on feedback obtained in the public forums that were held over the last two weeks, the committee will approve a position announcement and call for nominations and applications, with the assistance of a national search firm. The committee will then screen applications for the position and conduct interviews with candidates. After deliberating, the committee will recommend three to five semifinalists to the Board of Higher Education. The Board intends to name a new president by the fall of 2021 but will take the necessary time to find the most qualified candidate.

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