USHE enrollment grows at degree-granting colleges and universities

A crowd of college graduates throw their caps into the air

Technical college enrollment data to be released later this month

SALT LAKE CITY, October 17, 2023 – In its annual release, data from the Utah System of Higher Education shows enrollment at Utah’s degree-granting public colleges and universities rose 1.80% compared to last year. Systemwide, enrollments grew in each category: Concurrent Enrollment (5.9%), undergraduate (0.30%) and graduate (2.2%).

The total 2023 USHE degree-granting fall headcount is 198,432, compared to 194,921 in 2022.

“Higher education is a transformative tool for many individuals that equips them with the knowledge and expertise to drive positive change and economic prosperity in our state,” said Geoffrey Landward, Interim Commissioner of Higher Education. “We are pleased with the growth in our degree-granting colleges overall, and we eagerly await USHE technical college data for a comprehensive look at the USHE enrollment landscape.”

Degree-granting institution fall enrollment headcount is measured at the third week of the fall semester. Technical college enrollment and headcount are measured at the end of the fiscal quarter. It is anticipated that USHE technical college enrollment data will be released at the end of this month with a full look at systemwide enrollment.

The table below includes the total headcount of all students enrolled at each USHE degree-granting institution.

Detailed headcount data outlined by institution type, student level, award-seeking (matriculation) status and more is published at

To see full-time equivalent enrollment for USHE institutions, see

Additionally, particularly at institutions with a community college mission, USHE serves several thousand students in non-traditional programs, which are not budget-related, do not receive any taxpayer support, and are not included in the third-week totals. These include short-term training programs, distance education and non-credit technical training. System leadership is continuing to work to present this data for a more holistic picture of enrollment at our institutions.

Media Inquiries

Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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