USHE enrollment grows at technical colleges

Five college students sit outside on a table laughing

Systemwide enrollment surpasses 215K

In its second annual data release, the Utah System of Higher Education shows enrollment at Utah’s public technical colleges rose 1.16% compared to last year—putting systemwide enrollment at more than 215K. USHE technical colleges saw the largest gains in adult enrollment (2.05%), while high school dual enrollment decreased slightly over last year (-0.49%).

Technical college enrollment and headcount are measured at the end of the fiscal quarter. Degree-granting institution fall enrollment headcount is measured at the third week of the fall semester and was released earlier this month.

USHE Commissioner Dave R. Woolstenhulme was quoted earlier this month and said, “Contrary to national trends, Utahns are continuing to see the value in higher education, and they are taking steps to enroll in college and better their future. Though we lost some momentum during the pandemic, I am optimistic that we will continue to see more students benefit from completing a certificate or degree at USHE colleges.”

The table below includes the total headcount of all students enrolled at each USHE technical college as well as systemwide enrollment totals.

2022 (Q1) Technical College Enrollments, Total Headcount

Institution20222021# Change% Change
Bridgerland Technical CollegeAdult17411817-76-0.0418
High School10871147-60-0.0523
College Total28282964-136-0.0459
Davis Technical CollegeAdult26962636600.0228
High School11891280-91-0.0711
College Total38853916-31-0.0079
Dixie Technical CollegeAdult11341041930.0893
High School14597480.4948
College Total127911381410.1239
Mountainland Technical CollegeAdult294126782630.0982
High School10931080130.012
College Total403437582760.0734
Ogden-Weber Technical CollegeAdult29782918600.0206
High School10631117-54-0.0483
College Total4041403560.0015
Southwest Technical CollegeAdult624578460.0796
High School766719470.0654
College Total13901297930.0717
Tooele Technical CollegeAdult512479330.0689
High School343331120.0363
College Total855810450.0556
Uintah Basin Technical CollegeAdult554768-214-0.2786
High School12171166510.0437
College Total17711934-163-0.0843
USHE Technical College TotalsAdult13180129152650.0205
High School69036937-34-0.0049
Technical College Total20083198522310.0116
USHE Systemwide Totals21500421195430500.0144
NOTE: A student will only be counted once for each category but could be counted as both an Adult and High School student in the College Total.

Detailed headcount data outlined by institution type, student level, award-seeking (matriculation) status and more is published at

The table below includes the total full-time equivalent (FTE) for each USHE technical college.

2022 (Q1) Technical College Enrollments, Full-Time Equivalent

Institution20222021# Change% Change
Bridgerland Technical CollegeAdult261267-6-0.0216
High School142148-6-0.0435
College Total403415-12-0.0294
Davis Technical CollegeAdult348362-13-0.0373
High School133121130.1044
College Total482483-1-0.0018
Dixie Technical CollegeAdult151139120.087
High School231490.6323
College Total174153210.1366
Mountainland Technical CollegeAdult4343051290.4221
High School185118670.5661
College Total6194231960.4623
Ogden-Weber Technical CollegeAdult30430300.001
High School8485-1-0.0122
College Total388389-1-0.0019
Southwest Technical CollegeAdult9471230.3234
High School272160.2852
College Total12192290.3146
Tooele Technical CollegeAdult6382-19-0.2338
High School3132-2-0.0538
College Total94115-21-0.183
Uintah Basin Technical CollegeAdult4559-14-0.2339
High School48124-76-0.6123
College Total93182-89-0.4904
USHE Technical College TotalsAdult170015881120.0704
High School67366490.0141
Technical College Total23722251210.0538
NOTE: A student will only be counted once for each category but could be counted as both an Adult and High School student in the College Total.

Salt Lake Community College’s School of Applied Technology provides technical education and training, and its enrollments are included in the institution’s degree-granting totals released earlier this month.

Media Inquiries

Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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