7:30 AM Closed Session
9:00 AM Committee of Whole
Projected times for the various meetings are estimates only. The Board Chair retains the right to take action at any time. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during this meeting should notify ADA Coordinator, 60 South 400 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84180 (801-646-4784), at least three working days prior to the meeting. TDD # 801-321-7130.
Utah System of Higher Education
Utah State University
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Board Members Present Board Members Absent
Lisa-Michele Church, Chair Sanchaita Datta
Jesselie Anderson, Vice Chair
Grace Acosta
Stan Albrecht
Julie Beck
Stacey Bettridge
Rich Christiansen
Hope Eccles
Korianne Gibson
Patricia Jones
Arthur Newell
Shawn Newell
Steve Starks
Scott Theurer
Xitlalli Villanueva
Rick Wheeler
Office of the Commissioner
Dave Woolstenhulme, Commissioner
Geoff Landward, Deputy Commissioner
Nate Talley, Deputy Commissioner and CFO
Taylor Adams, Associate Commissioner for Strategic Initiatives
Alison Adams-Perlac, General Counsel
Trisha Dugovic, Director of Communication
Malin Francis, Director of Facilities and Planning
Brynn Fronk, Executive Assistant to the Utah Board of Higher Education
Jared Haines, Senior Advisor for Technical Education
Julie Hartley, Associate Commissioner of Academic Education
Carrie Mayne, Chief Economist
Hilary Renshaw, Associate General Counsel
Katie Mazzie, Director of Student-Center Initiatives
Dave Pulsipher, Senior Assistant Commissioner
Brian Shuppy, Senior Assistant Commissioner for Budget and Planning
Melissa Van Hien, Executive Assistant to the Commissioner
Scott Wyatt, Senior Executive Director of Statewide Online Education
Kim Ziebarth, Associate Commissioner of Technical Education
Institutional Presidents Present
Darin Brush, Davis Technical College Brad Mortensen, Weber State University
Mindy Benson, Southern Utah University Taylor Randall, University of Utah
Chad Campbell, Bridgerland Technical College Jordan Rushton, Dixie Technical College
Clay Christensen, Mountainland Technical College Jim Taggart, Ogden-Weber Technical College
Noelle Cockett, Utah State University Astrid Tuminez, Utah Valley University
Paul Hacking, Tooele Technical College Aaron Weight, Uintah Basin Technical College
Deneece Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College Richard Williams, Utah Tech University
Stacee McIff, Snow College Brennan Wood, Southwest Technical College
Other Guests
Sara-Ashley Adkins, Senior, Weber High School
Rick Allen, Vice President of Programs, BAE Systems
Cathy Anderson, Chief Financial Officer, University of Utah
Rick Bouillon, Associate Vice President for Workforce and Economic Development, Salt Lake Community College
Chad Burchell, Vice President for Instructional Services, Ogden-Weber Technical College
Darryl Butt, Dean of the Graduate School, University of Utah
Betsy Cantwell, Guest
Wendy Carter, Executive Vice President and Provost, Bridgerland Technical College
Dave Cowley, Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services, Utah State University
Aaron Davis, Biological Sciences, Utah Tech University
Sydnee Dickson, Superintendent, Utah State Board of Education
Aimee Edwards, Executive Director, BioHive
Natalie El-Deiry, Director of Immigration and New American Integration, Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity
Stephanie Frohman, SVP of Strategy and Partnerships, Economic Development Corporation of Utah
Hector Guadarrama, Guest
Rebeca Guadarrama, Guest
Jordan Hill, UAP Chair, Global Leader of Learning and Talent Development, Boeing Company
Jake Hinckley, Director of Workforce Development, Sunroc
Ann Millner, Utah State Senator
Renee Milne, Associate Vice President for Student Services, Bridgerland Technical College
Scott Nowlin, ASFS-Strategic Systems Chief Engineer, BAE Systems
Blake Oyler, Supervisor-Event Tech, Utah State University
Greg Paras, Deputy Director, Department of Workforce Services
Curtis Pendleton, Senior Director for Sponsored Programs, Utah Valley University
Val Peterson, Vice President for Administration/Strategic Relations, Utah Valley University
Bill Plate, Vice President for Marketing and Communications, Utah State University
Danette Pulley, Vice President of Community Growth, Foundation Executive Director, MarketStar
Beth Rhoades, Executive Director of Programs, Online and Continuing Education, Weber State University
Abraham Rodriguez, Student Body President, Utah State University
Marguerite Samms, Vice President and Chief Learning Officer, Intermountain Healthcare
Sidni Shorter, CEO, Black Chamber of Commerce
Jeff Shumway, Director of the Office of Professional Licensure, Department of Commerce
Zach Smith, Managing Partner and Practice Leader, WittKieffer
Wayne Vaught, Provost/Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs, Utah Valley University
Joe Wheeler, Systems Administrator, University of Utah
Ken White, Vice President and Dean, Utah State University
Matt White, Vice President for Advancement, Utah State University
Jacob Wright, Senior Budget and Planning Analyst, Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget
Kristina Yamada, CTE Education Specialist, Utah State Board of Education
Chair Church called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
Board member Shawn Newell made the motion to go into closed session for the purposes of discussing the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual(s). Board member Acosta seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Closed Session
Vice Chair Anderson made a motion to end closed session; Board member Shawn Newell seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Committee of the Whole
Student Report
Cody Guadarrama from Bridgerland Technical College and McKenna Rogers from Utah State University each provided a student report. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Deliverables Report
Chair Church thanked everyone for their efforts in completing the Board’s goals and highlighted the following accomplishments of the Board:
Chair Church recognized President Noelle Cockett and thanked her for her leadership at Utah State University. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Committee Reports
Board Committee Chairs Stan Albrecht, Shawn Newell, Scott Theurer, and Arthur Newell provided summaries from the April 2023 Academic Education, Technical Education, Student Affairs Committee meetings and the May 2023 Financial and Facilities Committee meeting. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Policy R312 Revision
Associate Commissioner Julie Hartley provided an overview of the Policy R312 revisions. She highlighted a few sections of the policy draft posted in the materials. There was discussion regarding the differences between the USU Land Grant and Extension role and the responsibility of the University of Utah to provide outreach and continuing education as the state’s flagship university. A president raised concern about duplication in the technical college role and regional universities, to which Julie Hartley responded. Board member Arthur Newell requested to add that collaborations are happening with regional and community colleges, not just the research universities. Board member Albrecht moved to approve the attached draft of Policy R312. He also moved that after completion of the NCHEMs Community College Study, the Board engage in detailed conversations about the changing demographic and workforce needs of the state and whether institutional roles as currently defined are adequate to meet them. And we’ll add the additional language that Julie Hartley suggested. Board member Jones seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Policy R315 Revision
Julie Hartley reviewed the proposed changes to Policy R315. Board member Theurer requested the Board receive the summary report annually, to which Julie said she would add to the policy. There was discussion amongst the Board members regarding accessibility to students, quality, and elevating the success rate. Board member Jones moved to approve the attached draft of Policy R315. She also moved to engage in future conversations to identify and address possible gaps in geographic access to higher education within the state with the changes we have discussed. Board member Starks seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Policy R401 Revision
Julie Hartley explained that Policy R401 outlines the types of programs institutions can offer. The focus with the proposed amendments is on section 7, which concerns out-of-role program approvals. Julie reviewed the new process criteria for program approval. Board member Arthur Newell pointed out a redundancy in section 7.1.5, which Associate Commissioner Hartley said they would fix. Board member Christiansen moved to approve the update to Section 7 of Policy R401 in order to lift the moratorium on out-of-role program proposals with the correction that was just highlighted. Board member Jones seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Board member Albrecht moved to lift the moratorium on out-of-mission program approvals. Board member Acosta seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Presidential Evaluations Policies Revisions
Chair Church explained the purpose of the changes to the presidential evaluation policies. There was a discussion amongst the Board members regarding the changes to the policies, specifically the liaison portion. Board member Theurer proposed an amendment to R208, section 4.4, to be more information oriented. Board member Beck went on record that she opposed the establishing of a liaison role. Board member Theurer moved to approve the changes to R208 as been proposed by staff and the leaders of the Board of Higher Education. Board member Arthur Newell seconded the motion.
Board member Beck moved to table the consideration of R208. Board member Wheeler seconded the motion. A roll call vote was done, and all Board members in attendance voted no except for Board members Acosta, Beck, and Wheeler. The motion failed.
Board member Theurer moved to approve R208 as amended on 4.4 to say will substitute may request or will be provided. Board member Arthur Newell seconded the motion. Board members Wheeler and Beck opposed, all other Board members in attendance voted to approve. The motion passed.
Chair Church reviewed the proposed changes to Policy R209. Board member Arthur Newell moved to adopt the proposed amendments to Board Policy R209, Evaluation of Presidents. Vice Chair Anderson seconded the motion. Board member Beck opposed the motion, and all other Board members in attendance voted to approve. The motion passed. A concern was raised about the timing of the formal presidential evaluations, which the Board members discussed.
Interim President Discussion
Chair Church shared that in the appointment letter for interim presidents, there may or may not be an agreement that the interim president will not be allowed to apply for the president position. The Board will not change the policy but will leave the option open for the future Board. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Research Priority of the Board’s Strategic Plan
Board member Albrecht explained that the Academic Education Committee revised and developed a research priority for the Board. He read the language that was added to the policy. There was a discussion about the role of technology transfer. Board member Villanueva moved to adopt a research pillar and instruct the Commissioner’s office to go forward and put it in the strategic plan with the strategies and tactics that all the other pillars have. Board member Wheeler seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Resolution on Freedom of Expression
Board member Christiansen introduced the Resolution on Freedom of Expression. He explained there are three motivations behind the resolution. One, we can have differences of opinion in a civil, responsible way. Two, consistency for the system to protect presidents, and three, protect the big issue that will hit the state in the next year or two. The Board members expressed support for the resolution. Board member Villanueva had concerns with the implementation and asked for an update from presidents in six months about how it has worked for the institutions. Board member Villanueva moved to adopt the Resolution of Freedom of Expression, and also have a report back in six months from the presidents as to how it’s working for them. Board member Christiansen seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
State Aid Policy Revisions
Senior Assistant Commissioner Dave Pulsipher highlighted the proposed new policies, revisions the policies, and policies for recission. Board member Starks moved to approve the proposed creation, revision, or elimination of these 22 policies. Board member Eccles seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Board Scholarship Allocations
Dave Pulsipher explained the Promise Scholarship allocation to the Board members. Board member Eccles asked Dave to explain what is included in the cost of attendance, to which Dave answered.
Board member Jones moved to:
Board member Shawn Newell seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
USU Series 2023 Revenue Bonds
Dave Cowley, Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services at Utah State University, reviewed the request with the Board members. Board member Eccles moved to approve the proposed Authorizing Resolution to issue General Revenue bonds for Utah State University. Board member Starks seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
UU Series 2023B Revenue Bonds
Cathy Anderson, Chief Financial Officer at the University of Utah, explained the request to the Board members. Board member Theurer asked about the financial changes to the request, which Cathy explained was due to the cost of construction and supplies. Board member Shawn Newell moved to approve the proposed Authorizing Resolution to issue General Revenue bonds for the University of Utah. Board member Jones seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Policies Revisions to R701, R741, R742, R744, & R745
Deputy Commissioner and Chief Financial Officer Nate Talley explained the proposed policy revisions to the Board. Vice Chair Anderson moved to adopt the proposed revisions to policies R701, R741, R742, R744, and R745. Board member Christiansen seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Annual Non-Dedicated Project Prioritization Determination
Nate Talley explained the process of reviewing and prioritizing non-dedicated projects by following the newly adopted policies. Board member Wheeler made a motion that the Board does not newly review and prioritize institution non-dedicated project requests for Fiscal Year 2025. Vice Chair Anderson seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed. Board member Arthur Newell pointed out that this action does not exclude the new Board from reprioritizing next year for the new three-year cycle. Commissioner Woolstenhulme stated land bank requests are not included.
Policy Revisions to R821 and R824
Nate Talley and Board member Arthur Newell reviewed the proposed changes to policies R821 and R824. President Huftalin recommended the Board consider raising the cap on the scholarship issued through USHE as the policy changes will affect a lot of staff. Commissioner Woolstenhulme responded that he could advocate adding more funds to the scholarship fund to allow more employees to use it. Board member Arthur Newell moved to adopt the proposed revisions to policies R821 and R824. Board member Beck seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Consent Calendar
Board member Theurer moved to remove Utah Valley University Capital Development Project from the Consent Calendar and also the Utah Tech University Financial Ratio Report Follow-up from the Consent Calendar for brief discussions by this Board. Board member Acosta seconded the motion. Board members Jones and Beck opposed the motion, and all other Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Board member Acosta moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Board member Eccles seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
UVU Capital Development Project
Nate Talley reviewed the timeline of the UVU Capital Development Project, which was reviewed and approved by the Board in 2022. The Board members, Commissioner Woolstenhulme, and President Tuminez discussed the approval process the project went through, from being a non-state funded project to receiving a substantial appropriation to now approving the project. They also discussed its possible impact on future proposed projects from institutions. Board member Acosta moved to approve the appropriation as originally drafted with a caveat that we put people on notice that we may not approve the next one or we may cause problems in the future because this is not the way to do it. Board member Theurer seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
Utah Tech University Financial Ratio Report Follow-Up
Nate Talley provided background on the viability ratio using Utah Tech University as the teaching base. The Board members and President Williams discussed the financial ratios. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Utah Board of Higher Education Resolution of Appreciation
On behalf of the presidents, USHE staff, and himself, Commissioner Woolstenhulme thanked the Board for their service. He mentioned the Resolution of Appreciation that was included in the material packet. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Council of Presidents Report
President Cockett provided a report from the degree-granting presidents. President Campbell shared perspectives from the technical college presidents. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Senator Ann Millner was unavailable to provide an introduction, so Associate Commissioner Vic Hockett gave the introduction. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Data Dashboard
Carrie Mayne provided an overview of the workforce data and tools available on the dashboard. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Why Connecting TRU to Higher Education is Essential for Students and Industry
Vic Hockett presented the following items to the Board members:
This was an information item only; no action was taken.
What can TRU Do with K12 to Better Prepare Our Future Students?
Rachelle Ackley, Talent Ready Utah Program Manager of K-12 Initiatives, presented the following items to the Board members, with a few additional guests:
This was an information item only; no action was taken.
How Can TRU Programs Ensure Students are Armed with Workforce Ready Skills in Partnerships with Industry & Institutions?
Peter Reed, Talent Ready Utah Program Manager of Higher Education Initiatives, presented the following items to the Board members, with a few additional guests:
Education Panel
The Education Panel was canceled due to time restraints. However, Superintendent Sydnee Dickson addressed the Board. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Government Panel
Vic Hockett moderated the Government Panel with the following panelists:
This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Industry Panel
Vic Hockett moderated the Industry Panel, which included the following panelists:
This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Previously Funded Capital Projects Costs Overrun Status Update
Nate Talley updated the group that work is being done on this issue. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Institution Budget Stress Testing Framework Overview
Nate Talley provided an overview of the Institution Budget Stress Testing Framework. The purpose of the framework is to identify specific risk factors and scenarios that offer a baseline projection, identify those risks, quantify what the range is around those risks over a five-year risk period, and see whether or not those shocks and stresses to an institution’s budget are concerning or require a higher level of rainy-day funds or other reserves to be able to address. This was an information item only; no action was taken.
Motion to Adjourn
Board member Starks moved to adjourn; Board member Eccles seconded the motion, and the Board members in attendance voted unanimously in favor. The motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
Geoffrey Landward, Secretary
Date Approved: June 30, 2023
Utah System of Higher Education
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