DECEMBER 6, 2018
Regents Present
Harris H. Simmons, Chair
Nina R. Barnes, Vice Chair
Jesselie B. Anderson
Marlin K. Jensen
Patricia Jones
Robert S. Marquardt
JaKell Larson
Steven Lund
Mark R. Stoddard
Teresa Theurer
Joyce P. Valdez
Thomas E. Wright
Regents Absent
Dan W. Campbell
Wilford W. Clyde
Sanchaita Datta
Cristina Ortega
Robert W. Prince
Office of the Commissioner
David L. Buhler, Commissioner of Higher Education
Weber State University Trustees
Nolan Karras
Kearston Cutrubus
Scott Parsen
Chair Simmons called the meeting to order at 8:13 a.m.
It was moved by Regent Stoddard and seconded by Regent Barnes to meet in Executive Session for the sole purpose of discussing the character and professional competence of the applicants for the Weber State University Presidential Search. The motion carried. The Regents met in executive session from 8:13 a.m. to 4:26 p.m.
Chair Simmons called the Committee of the Whole to order again at 5:45 p.m.
Chair Simmons began by recognizing President Wight’s service to Weber State University, noting he skillfully led the institution for over five years, expanding financial aid, increasing enrollment and diversity, and focusing on student success. On behalf of the Board Regents he thanked President Wight for his service to Weber.
Chair Simmons thanks Dr. Norm Tarbox for his service as interim president since May, noting he has done a magnificent job through this transition. He also recognized his outstanding contributions to Weber and the system throughout the years. He thanked all involved with the search which included Regents, Trustees, member of Weber State’s faculty, staff, students, and representatives of the community and alumni.
He then turned the time over to Regent Anderson and Trustee Karras, who were co-chairs of the search committee. Regent Anderson began by saying what a privilege it was to be a part of this committee. She thanked the committee for their work. Trustee Karras thanked everyone who participated and acknowledged the amount of work involved, beginning with the creation of the job announcement.
Weber State University Presidential Appointment
Regent Anderson moved to appoint Dr. Brad L. Mortensen as the 13th president of Weber State University; it was seconded by Regent Theurer and the motion carried unanimously(Regent Marquardt and Wright left prior to the evening session of Committee of the Whole).
President and Mrs. Mortensen were introduced to the audience. Chair Simmons said President Mortensen was chosen from an impressive field of candidates. He has proven to be a thoughtful and effective leader, and has focused on student success, access, and inclusivity. His accomplishments throughout his career show President Mortensen has the strength and ability to continue the university on its upward trajectory.
Commissioner Buhler welcomed President Mortensen and said it his honor, on behalf of the Utah System of Higher Education, to welcome President Mortensen as a new member of the Council of Presidents.
President Mortensen said this is very humbling and thanked the regents for this opportunity. He thanked his friends, faculty, and students for their support and encouragement. Mrs. Camille Mortensen said it is an honor and privilege to stand next to Brad as the next President of Weber State University. She said President Mortensen is fiercely loyal to Weber and the future is bright.
On a motion from Regent Barnes and seconded by Regent Jones, the Committee of the Whole adjourned at 6:02 p.m..