USU Presidential Search Committee announces public meeting schedule

The Utah State University Presidential Search Committee will host six public meetings to obtain input from members of the USU community and the general public on the presidential search. The committee will host in-person meetings in Logan, Vernal, and Price, Utah, as well as provide opportunities for several of USU’s regional campuses to participate in these meetings through Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC) from their own campuses.

A schedule of these meetings is below:

Logan, Utah (in-person)

Who:Where: When:
USU faculty, staff & studentsTaggart Student Center Auditorium (TSC 227)
1400 Old Main Hill
April 20, 2016
General publicLogan City Hall, Council Chamber
290 North 100 West
April 20, 2016

Vernal, Utah (in-person)

USU faculty, staff & studentsUSU Bingham Bldg., Room 135
320 N. Aggie Blvd.
April 21, 2016
General publicUSU Bingham Bldg., Room 135
320 N. Aggie Blvd.
April 21, 2016

Participate in the Vernal meeting through Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC) at the Roosevelt, Tooele and Brigham City campuses

Roosevelt, Utah (IVC)

USU faculty, staff & studentsUSU Student Center, Room 134
985 E Lagoon St.
Roosevelt, Utah
April 21, 2016
General publicUSU Student Center, Room 134
985 E Lagoon St.
Roosevelt, Utah
April 21, 2016

Tooele, Utah (IVC)

Who: Where:When:
USU faculty, staff & studentsTechScience – 112
1021 W. Vine St.
April 21, 2016
General publicTechScience – 112
1021 W. Vine St.
April 21, 2016

Brigham City, Utah (IVC)

USU faculty, staff & studentsRoom C114
989 S. Main St.
April 21, 2016
General publicRoom C114
989 S. Main St.
April 21, 2016

Price, Utah (in-person)

USU faculty, staff & studentsJennifer Leavitt Student Center
Multipurpose Room
451 E 400 N
April 26, 2016
General publicJennifer Leavitt Student Center
Multipurpose Room
451 E 400 N
April 26, 2016

Participate in the Price meeting through Interactive Video Conferencing (IVC) at the Moab and Blanding campuses

Moab, Utah (IVC)

USU faculty, staff & studentsEast Bldg., Moab Room R (4198)
115 W 200 S
April 26, 2016
General publicEast Bldg., Moab Room R (4198)
115 W 200 S
April 26, 2016

Blanding,  Utah (IVC)

USU faculty, staff & studentsBradford Lee Tech Bldg., Rm. 213
639 W 100 S
April 26, 2016
General publicBradford Lee Tech Bldg., Rm. 213
639 W 100 S
April 26, 2016

Public input from these meetings will help the committee shape a position announcement, which will be used in seeking nominations and applications. The committee will then screen applications for the position and conduct interviews with a number of semi-finalists. The committee will recommend finalists to the Board of Regents.

The Utah State University Presidential Search Committee is chaired by Regent Teresa Theurer. The committee is comprised of representatives from the Board of Regents, trustees, faculty, staff, students and alumni of USU, as well as community members from Logan and various locations throughout the state served by USU. Utah State University President Stan Albrecht announced his retirement February 3, 2016, and will remain in office until a new president of USU is named.

Download a flyer of the public meeting schedule

Media Inquiries

Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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