Utah Cluster Acceleration Partnership announces availability of $3.5 million in 2016 grant funds

The Utah Cluster Acceleration Partnership (UCAP) program provides funding to public colleges and universities, applied technology colleges, and K-12 school districts, charters and individual schools to develop, implement, or enhance educational programs in direct response to regional and statewide industry needs. UCAP is a partnership between the Utah System of Higher Education, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, and the Department of Workforce Services. Funding for UCAP comes from the state Job Growth Fund.

The UCAP program provides funding to:

  • Public post-secondary institutions to develop, implement, or enhance programs  responsive to regional and statewide industry needs
  • Industry trade associations in Utah that serve a state-designated industry cluster or regional economic need
  • Public school districts, individual schools, or charter schools to develop, implement or enhance career pathway programs and connecting them to post-secondary institutions
  • Consortiums to expand the Utah Aerospace Pathways Program (UAP) into other schools and replicate the UAP model into other science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) industries*


On April 12, UCAP held a grant kickoff event at the Natural History Museum of Utah, announcing $3.5 million in total funding: $1.56 million for the public colleges and universities, applied technology colleges, and industry trade association track; $1 million for public school districts, individual schools, and charter schools; and nearly $1 million for consortiums to expand and replicate the UAP model. As a general guideline, projects are limited to $200,000 with a higher cap approved for consortium/regional partnerships upon approval by the UCAP Executive Board.

For more information, see the Request for Grant (RFG).

Media Inquiries

Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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