Utah System of Higher Education launches Utah Transfer Guide to help students determine their best college transfer path

Includes degree mapping information from most popular majors at Utah’s public colleges and universities

The Utah System of Higher Education launched the improved Utah Transfer Guide this month for students to more seamlessly plan their transfer paths between Utah’s public colleges and universities across the most popular majors. Utah has a high rate of students who transfer, with one in three USHE students attending more than one institution during their college journey.

“Transferring to another institution should not be a roadblock to college graduation. This tool helps students understand their most straightforward transfer path to make informed choices about their next steps,” said Dave R. Woolstenhulme, Interim Commissioner of Higher Education. “Through extensive mapping by USHE institution staff and faculty, students can now view their transfer options for the top graduate-producing majors in the state, all in one place.”

The Utah Transfer Guide, found at utahtransferguide.org, has resources for students, veterans, faculty and advisors. Users can search by participating institutions, programs, courses, or course and exam equivalencies. The Transfer Check feature allows students to see how their transfer coursework fits into degree requirements for select programs from one college to the next. Currently, the Transfer Check feature contains the degree requirements for 63.5% of all bachelor’s degrees awarded by USHE in 2017-18, with more programs being added this summer.

The top six programs represented in the Transfer Check feature account for upwards of 25% of all USHE bachelor’s degree graduates in 2017-18:

  • Psychology
  • Business Administration/Management
  • Nursing
  • Economics
  • Accounting
  • Biology

The Utah Transfer Guide builds on the decades-long work by the USHE General Education Task Force and the USHE major committees, which are comprised of USHE faculty and staff from more than 30 academic disciplines. Because of their work, general education courses across USHE are aligned and transferable. The Utah Transfer Guide includes general education articulations in its database.

More features will be added in the coming year. Students are encouraged to use the Utah Transfer Guide along with the information and guidance received from their transfer advisor.

The USHE Board of Regents has made it a top priority to assist students in completing their college degree as seamlessly as possible between USHE colleges and universities. The Utah Transfer Guide will help students keep their college costs down by avoiding having to repeat similar courses and reduce barriers to timely graduation.

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Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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