Utah Tech University Presidential Search Committee named, public meetings announced

Holland Central Commons & Library building at Utah Tech University.

The Utah Board of Higher Education has named a 14-member committee to conduct a national search for the next president of Utah Tech University. The committee will host three in-person public meetings on Feb. 7 – 8 to gather input from members of the Utah Tech community and the general public.

The UT Presidential Search Committee is co-chaired by Utah Board of Higher Education member Danny Ipson and UT Board of Trustees Chair Tiffany Wilson. It is comprised of representatives from the Utah Board of Higher Education, UT trustees, and institutional stakeholders, including faculty, staff, students, administration, alumni and community members.

“I am thrilled to launch the search for the next president of Utah Tech University with my fellow search committee members,” said Danny Ipson, board member and search committee co-chair. “The Utah Tech Presidential Search Committee is dedicated to working collaboratively with community members, students, faculty, staff and others to identify exceptionally skilled and capable candidates who would be a strong fit leading Utah Tech and in the St. George community. We are deeply thankful for the time the search committee will offer to the search process and look forward to sharing our list of finalists with the Board of Higher Education.”

Tiffany Wilson, chair of the UT Board of Trustees and search committee co-chair, added, “We are seeking an inspirational leader with a keen ability to inspire our students to achieve their dreams and goals. The leader we’re looking for will have outstanding leadership skills, deeply value our university’s rich culture and traditions and embrace our unique polytechnic mission that focuses on active learning, active life.”

The times and locations for the three in-person meetings include the following:

Utah Tech UniversityHolland Centennial Commons Building, Zion Room225 S University Ave, 225 S 700 E, St. George, UT Wednesday, February 7, 2024
6 – 7 p.m.
Utah Tech UniversityHolland Centennial Commons Building, Zion Room225 S University Ave, 225 S 700 E, St. George, UT Thursday, February 8, 2024
10 – 11 a.m.
Utah Tech UniversityHolland Centennial Commons Building, Zion Room225 S University Ave, 225 S 700 E, St. George, UT Thursday, February 8, 2024
2 – 3 p.m.

Public input from these meetings will help the committee shape a position announcement, the primary advertisement for the position used in recruiting candidates. Those unable to attend these meetings are encouraged to submit a comment online by emailing utahtechpresidentsearch@ushe.edu or submitting a comment online at ushe.edu/utah-tech-anonymous-feedback.

Below is a complete list of the Utah Tech University Presidential Search Committee members:

Board of Higher Education
Danny IpsonBoard Member and Search Committee Co-Chair
Javier Chavez Jr.Board Member
Utah Tech University Board of Trustees
Tiffany WilsonBoard Chair and Search Committee Co-Chair
Colleen KvetkoBoard Vice Chair
Utah Tech University Administration, Faculty and Staff
Ken BeazerExecutive Director of Athletics 
Eli BermudezDean of the College of Health Sciences
Julie ChewFaculty Senate President & Professor of Nursing
Darlene DilleyAssociate Provost for Enrollment Management
Stacy SchmidtStaff Association President
Ali ThreetAssistant Vice-President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students
Utah Tech University Alumni Association
Betty BarnumAlumni Association President 
Utah Tech University Students
Jose Toral-MartinezUT Student Body President 
Community/Alumni Representatives
Derrick HaslemSenior Medical Director, Oncology Services at Intermountain Health
Steve KempSt. George City Council Member; Owner and Principal Broker at Vantage Real Estate

Based on feedback obtained in the public forums, the committee will approve a position announcement and call for nominations and applications with the assistance of AGB Search. The committee will then screen applications for the position and conduct interviews with candidates. After deliberating, the committee will recommend three to five finalists to the Board of Higher Education. 

For more information about the Utah Tech University presidential search, visit utahtech.edu/presidentialsearch

Media Inquiries

Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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