What percentage of Utah high school graduates go to college?

The Board of Regents adopted a ten-year strategic plan in 2016 focusing on three key objectives, one of which was Affordable Participation. The benchmark for this objective called for the rate of college participation among Utah high school graduates to increase to 75% five years after high school graduation.

On average, 52% of Utah high school grads (cohorts 2007-2012) attended college in the first year after high school graduation. That rate increased to 63% by the end of the third year, 69% by the fifth, and 71% ten years after high school graduation.

College participation rates of Utah high school graduates

College participation rates for low-income students (measured by a student’s eligibility for free or reduced lunch) was significantly lower than those not considered low-income.

College participation rates of Utah high school graduates by family income level

On average, 60% of Utah female high school graduates attended college the first year after high school graduation, compared to only 44% of male high school grads. However, the gap in college participation rates between males and females narrowed over time.

College participation rates of Utah high school graduates by gender

Comparisons between ethnic groups showed a gap in college participation based on ethnicity. On average, Asian and white students had much higher college participation rates, while Hispanic students consistently lagged behind other ethnic groups.

College participation rates of Utah high school graduates by ethnicity

Where do Utah high school graduates go to college?

The vast majority of Utah high school graduates who go on to college attend a USHE institution. 80% of Utah high school graduates attended a USHE institution, 11% a Utah private institution, 5% public out-of-state, and 5% private out-of-state.

College participation of Utah high school graduates by type of institution

For more information, see College Participation and Completion of Utah High School Graduates, Cohorts 2007-2012 (January 2017).

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Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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