
WICHE Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP)

The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) Professional Student Exchange Program (PSEP) allows Utah residents to enroll in cooperating out-of-state optometry and podiatry professional programs because those fields of study are not available at public institutions in Utah. Students enrolled through WICHE’s Professional Student Exchange Program receive a support fee from Utah to be able to pay reduced tuition.

  • Eligible Students:   
    • Utah adult residents
  • Eligibility Requirements:
    • At least five years of consecutive Utah residency
    • Enroll in an eligible program in optometry or podiatry
    • Commit to return to Utah to practice upon completion of the program
  • Eligible Uses:    
    • Tuition and fees
  • Award:     
  • Award Duration:
    • Completion of program (up to four academic years)
  • Eligible Institutions:   
    • Visit WICHE website         
  • Application Period:     
    • Applications submitted by October 15 are given first priority for funding beginning the next academic year.
    • Application
  • Additional Information: