
2016 Legislative Update – Week 1

Overview The 2016 Session of the Utah State Legislature got underway Monday, January 25, and will conclude Thursday, March 11. It is anticipated there will be several bills with potential impact to the Utah System of Higher Education, all of which will be carefully tracked by the Commissioner’s Office and institutions. 2016-2017 Budget According to […]

Request for Proposal for Investment Consultant Services

UESP has issued a request for proposal for investment consultant services.  UESP intends to enter into a contract with a qualified consultant to provide investment consultant services as well as other professional services as requested by UESP.  The deadline for all proposals is February 12, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. MT. For more information, please see […]

10-year strategic plan for Utah higher ed unanimously approved by Board of Regents

Last Friday, the Board of Regents unanimously approved a 10-year strategic plan for Utah higher education. The strategic planning process started in the summer of 2014, with the Board of Regents reviewing several drafts of the plan in 2015. A draft of the plan was open for public comment in November 2015. The Utah State Board of […]

2016 StepUp READY Grant Awards Announced

The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) has announced awards for the StepUp READY mini-grant program (up to $75,000). This is the second year of mini-grants awarded to projects based on partnerships between local school districts and Utah higher education institutions. The purpose of the grants is to increase the number of Utah’s public high […]

USHE institutions added 79 new certificate and degree programs in 2015

The Utah System of Higher Education’s (USHE) 2016 legislative budget priorities reflect the most pressing needs of USHE institutions, specifically the need to increase market demand programs such as computer science, aerospace engineering, composite manufacturing, automation, robotics, respiratory therapy, and health information management. USHE institutions have started to take measures to add many of these […]

USHE building priorities are vital to keep up with student growth

Board of Regents Prioritization of Capital Development Projects Unlike local school districts in K-12 that use property tax for support of facilities, higher education must rely on state appropriated funding from the Legislature to fund its facilities. The Board of Regents annually reviews system-wide capital development needs and prioritizes project requests which are then considered […]