
Wage Info on Utah College Graduates Gets Update

Since 2013, USHE has published aggregated wage information of college graduates. A valuable tool to understand potential earnings based on degree type, institution and specific areas of study. The data has been updated with the most recent Utah wage information available.

Utah Scholars reached over 32,000 eighth-graders in 2014-15

The Utah Scholars Initiative (USI) is a high-impact academic program to help students understand the academic preparation needed to be successful in college and in the workforce.  Utah Scholars complete a defined curriculum while in high school in order to be better prepared for college.  Utah Scholars is the outreach program for the Regents’ Scholarship, […]

USHE hosts 18th annual “What is an Educated Person?” conference

The Utah System of Higher Education will host the 18th annual ‘What is an Educated Person?’ conference on October 22-23, 2015.  This year’s theme,“Who are our students, what are they learning, how do we know, and how must we change?” reflects the state’s changing demographics. The featured keynote speaker is Ken O’Donnell, Senior Director of Student […]

2016-17 USHE capital facilities requests prioritized by Board of Regents

In preparation for the 2016 legislative session, the Utah State Board of Regents prioritized the state-funded capital facilities requests from institutions in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) during the Board of Regents meeting at Utah State University on Friday, September 18. Each year, the Regents re-evaluate the capital facilities needs of USHE institutions. This […]

Math and Graduation: Overview of SB 196 – Math Competency Initiative

This is the fifth article in a multi-part series about math in high school and college leading to completion of a degree or certificate. The first article focused on math and high school preparation, the second on developmental/remedial math, the third on math and STEM, and the fourth on math instruction innovations at Weber State University. […]

2016 Legislative Budget Priorities approved by the State Board of Regents

The Utah State Board of Regents approved the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) budget priorities during its meeting on September 18 at Utah State University in preparation for the 2016 legislative session. “These budget priorities reflect the most pressing needs of our state’s higher education institutions as well as the strategic objectives of the Board […]

Engaging Parents to Empower Students – 2015 USHE Counselor Conference

For the seventh consecutive year, the Utah System of Higher Education hosted its annual statewide conference for secondary school administrators and counselors last Friday at the South Towne Exposition Center with 750+ attendees. This year’s theme was “Engage Parents to Empower Students” focusing on resources and strategies to help enable parents to become more involved […]

Utah one of five states chosen by the AAC&U for its first cohort of Faculty Fellows

The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) has announced the first cohort of Faculty Fellows in five states: Utah, California, Indiana, Texas, and Wisconsin. In Utah, Faculty Fellows will collaborate with colleagues across the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) to share best practices for general education and lead faculty development activities. The goal […]

U.S. Department of Education launches revised College Scorecard

The U.S. Department of Education has unveiled a new College Scorecard intended to better inform prospective students, the public, and policymakers about graduation rates and college students’ earnings once in the workforce. Any college or university in the United States eligible to participate in Federal Student Financial Assistance programs (e.g., credit-granting institutions) is available to […]