
2015 Legislative Interns (Part 2)

As mentioned in a previous post, while the Utah State Legislature is in session, 93 college students from around the state of Utah get the opportunity to intern for state legislators. This internship gives college students the opportunity to take part first hand in the legislative process and interact with state leaders on key issues. Whether […]

Do concurrent enrollment courses impact college participation and completion?

Approximately ⅓ of Utah high school juniors and seniors participated in concurrent enrollment during the 2013-14 school year – wherein students earn both high school credit for graduation and college credit corresponding to the first year of college. 95% of the college credit awarded last year was in general education courses and select technical education […]

Setting the stage for student success in Utah

In addition to helping facilitate student success in regards to access, retention and completion, leaders in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) are committed to ensuring students receive a high-quality education at Utah’s eight public colleges and universities. What defines a high-quality education? It is defined by a focus on faculty engagement, student learning […]

2015 Legislative Update – Week 5

2015-2016 Budget With revised revenue projections announced last week, significant budget decisions continue to loom before a final budget takes shape, including Medicaid expansion and possible gas tax revisions. There is still a lot of work to be done on the budget as well as several bills that continue their march through the legislative process. […]

2015 Legislative Interns (Part 1)

While the Utah State Legislature is in session, 93 college students from around the state of Utah get the opportunity to intern for state legislators. This internship gives college students the opportunity to take part first hand in the legislative process and interact with state leaders on key issues. Whether student interns are tracking legislation, […]

Key legislation before US Congress to strengthen 529 plans

This past month both the US Senate and House of Representatives introduced legislation to make enhancements to 529 College Savings Plans. These tax-free plans are used by millions of families to save for their children’s future higher education expenses. These plans have proven to help limit or eliminate future student loan debt, while aiding to […]

2015 Legislative Update – Week 4

Higher Education Luncheon Regents, Trustees, Presidents and student leaders gathered on Friday for the annual higher education luncheon in the Capitol Rotunda, attended by an estimated two-thirds of legislators. It was a good opportunity to visit informally and stress the importance of our legislative priorities. 2015-2016 Budget Revised state tax revenue figures agreed upon by […]

A closer look at student utilization of online courses

Of the 167,317 students enrolled at a Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) institution in Fall 2014, over one in four students is enrolled in at least one online course. Online course delivery has grown exponentially in the past 5 years. USHE now offers 81 degree and certificate programs entirely online. Such explosive growth in […]

Utah Educational Savings Plan exceeds $8 billion in assets

Rapid growth in assets under management leads to cost efficiencies that benefit account owners investing for college. The Utah Educational Savings Plan (UESP) announced today it has surpassed $8 billion in assets under its management in more than 277,000 accounts, a milestone underscoring the value that investors find in Utah’s low-cost, fast-growing 529 college savings […]