
Where do USHE students come from?

79% of students within the Utah System of Higher Education are Utah residents and most commonly attend the institution within their home region. As the map below indicates, USHE institutions are critical to the home regions they serve:   A full 63% of USHE students enroll and graduate from a single institution, according to the […]

UHEAA hosts Paying for College Nights

The Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority (UHEAA) is hosting the 2014 Paying for College Nights in conjunction with the Utah Council on Secondary/Post-secondary Relations. So far this school year, seven events have been held at high schools in Utah, primarily in rural school districts. Thirteen additional events will be hosted throughout the fall. At these […]

2014 Utah Majors’ Meeting

Last week, the Utah System of Higher Education hosted the 17th annual Faculty Discipline Majors’ Meeting, which has as one of its objectives to achieve the greatest possible congruence in lower division and pre-major requirements at all USHE institutions. Over 325 faculty and academic advisors representing 32 academic disciplines participated in the meeting. These meetings are faculty-driven […]

State funding and tuition

Higher education enjoys an important good-faith partnership with the Utah Legislature and the Governor.  Their support of higher education, especially during the challenging fiscal times of the Great Recession, has helped keep college in Utah much more affordable than current national trends. USHE institutions have also worked prudently to keep necessary tuition increases at a […]

Supporting the Journey – 2014 USHE Counselor Conference

Over 600 participants attended the statewide USHE Conference for Secondary School Administrators and Counselors on Friday, September 12. This conference is organized each year in order to support and educate counselors as they help students prepare for and access college. Notable education leaders such as Tami Pyfer, the Utah Education Advisor to the Governor; Judy A. Peterson, […]

Deneece Huftalin Named President of Salt Lake Community College

SALT LAKE CITY – The Board of Regents has selected Dr. Deneece Huftalin as the eighth President of Salt Lake Community College. President Huftalin has served as SLCC interim president since January of this year after former president Dr. Cynthia Bioteau was designated president of Florida State College at Jacksonville. “With a large and diverse […]

2014-15 Utah College Guide now available

The latest edition of Utah’s only authoritative college preparation source published by the Utah System of Higher Education, the Utah College Guide, is now available – the printed companion to StepUpUtah.com. The printed College Guide provides students and parents up-to-date, critical information to explore, prepare and pay for a college education. 80,000 guides were printed with a […]

Three finalists named in Salt Lake Community College Presidential Search

SLCC Finalists

After a nationwide search and a review of 55 applicants, the Salt Lake Community College Presidential Search Committee has recommended three finalists to the State Board of Regents for the position of Salt Lake Community College President: Dr. Deneece G. Huftalin, Dr. Tony Miksa and Dr. Christopher Villa. “After an exhaustive search the Salt Lake […]

Concurrent enrollment – students saving big on college costs

Since 1985, Utah has provided an opportunity for prepared high school juniors and seniors to take college courses while still in high school. Through the Concurrent Enrollment program, students earn both high school credit for graduation and college credit corresponding to the first year at a college or university in the Utah System of Higher […]

Volunteer with Utah Scholars

The school year has just begun, and Utah Scholars is excited to get back into Utah schools to give presentations to eighth grade students on how to best plan and prepare for college. We would like to invite those interested to our monthly USI training at our USHE offices in downtown Salt Lake City. WHEN: Thursday, September […]