Sexual Assault Awareness Month at USHE institutions

As sexual assault continues to be a significant issue, Utah System of Higher Education institutions held events during the month of April, which is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, to raise awareness of campus sexual assault. Below is a snapshot of some of the efforts. University of Utah University of Utah events throughout the month focused […]
Trends in Higher Education: College Promise Programs

College promise programs have spread throughout the nation as a way for individual institutions and states to expand access to higher education for students with demonstrated need. The goal of college promise programs is to cover the cost of college for qualifying students when other types of aid, such as federal and state grants, fall […]
How is USHE working to help increase graduation rates?

According to an analysis by the Chronicle of Higher Education of U.S. Department of Education data on 2017 graduation rates, the University of Utah made the top 100 institutions with the best graduation rates in the nation compared to other public four-year institutions. The analysis shows that within six years, the U had a 67.4% […]
Trending in Higher Ed: Open Educational Resources

The cost of textbooks has risen at more than four times the rate of inflation in the past decade, and the use of access codes for associated online materials (that then expire at the end of the term) undermine the rental and used-book marketplace. As the cost of attending college remains a key issue for […]
USHE institutions lecture on sustainability and practice it too

Communities around the world are set to celebrate and advocate for Earth Day on April 22. Utah System of Higher Education institutions and their communities realize the importance of sustainable practices. Currently, no systemwide policy exists surrounding sustainability on USHE campuses, but each institution has implemented their own set of important measures. Here’s a snapshot […]
Qualified Concurrent Enrollment instructors’ level of education credential has no significant impact on student success

The Utah System of Higher Education released a report reviewing the performance of students who took a Concurrent Enrollment math course(s) during 2016-17, who then took a subsequent math course during 2017-18 as freshmen on a college campus. It was found that 78% of students who took a CE math course(s) during 2016-17 and subsequently […]
3rd annual USHE Access and Completion Retreat examines how to support post-traditional students in higher education

The Utah System of Higher Education hosted the third annual Access and Completion Retreat on Friday, April 12, where representatives from each public higher education institution in Utah, community partners, as well as Utah Regent Steven Lund discussed how institutions can best serve post-traditional or adult learners. After Utah Commissioner of Higher Education David Buhler […]
Report: In Utah, higher ed total revenue per FTE reaches pre-Recession levels

Despite the American economic outlook having improved considerably, nationally, state funding for higher education has only halfway recovered in the ten years since the Great Recession, a new report released this week by the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) finds. The 2018 State Higher Education Finance (SHEF) report—an annual, nonpartisan analysis of educational […]
Trending in higher ed: Major online growth

Across the nation, online course options in higher education have expanded greatly in recent years. Offerings range from fully online programs to hybrid courses which utilize both in-class and online learning experiences. While each state seems to take its own approach to answer the needs of their students, Utah has made some recent strides toward […]
Carrie Mayne named Associate Commissioner for Workforce and Institutional Research

The Utah System of Higher Education is pleased to announce Carrie Mayne, former Chief Economist and Director of Workforce Research and Analysis at Utah’s Department of Workforce Services, has been appointed as the Associate Commissioner for Workforce and Institutional Research. This newly-created position will elevate the data and workforce coordination function of USHE and work under […]