How postsecondary education is governed in Utah

Postsecondary education governance structures were adopted in order to best serve each state’s higher education institutions, and for that reason, no two are exactly the same. Many states are split between having a single or multiple statewide coordinating boards, agencies, or governing boards to fulfill their postsecondary education needs. Governance structures in each state are […]
Overview: 2019 legislative session outcomes
At the Board of Regents meeting on March 29, 2019, the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education presented a report on the outcomes of the legislative session. Budget Beginning July 1, 2019, the Legislature approved a $96.1 million increase (9.4%) in ongoing tax funds and a one-time increase of $2.2 million (0.2%) for higher education. […]
USHE outreach brand StepUp to Higher Education to transition to UtahFutures over the coming year

According to a recent statewide survey from the Office of the Commissioner of Higher Education, many Utah students and parents don’t know where to find the best information about college access and readiness. In an effort to create a central website where middle and high school students, parents, and other adults can more easily find […]
6 fast facts about Salt Lake Community College

1. Salt Lake Community College is a top school nationally for the number of associate degrees awarded. In 2017-2018, SLCC awarded 3,326 associate degrees. The college’s general education credits are accepted by all of Utah’s four-year colleges and universities. 2. SLCC is the most diverse higher education institution in the state. More than half of SLCC […]
Board of Regents reviews first tuition proposals since discontinuing practice of uniform tuition adjustments

Following the 2019 Legislative Session and the adoption of tuition policy changes from the November 2018 Board of Regents meeting, the Board will review and act on tuition adjustment proposals for the 2019-20 academic year from institutions in the Utah System of Higher Education, including a new online-only tuition schedule. Previously, tuition at USHE institutions […]
Utah students from low-income families participate in college at rates nearly 15% lower than their peers

The Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) released a report outlining the college participation and completion rates of Utah high school graduates, using data from USHE, the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) and the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). The report focuses on the gap in college participation between Caucasians and minorities and the completion […]
50th Anniversary: Board of Regents taps past when looking to future of Utah’s state higher ed governing body

[Pictured above: 1969 Utah Board of Regents] Fifty years ago, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) was formed by the state legislature with a single board—the Utah State Board of Regents—to govern the new system. In 1969, the population in Utah was just over one million. The world was learning new things about the […]
2019-2020 Student Regent applications due March 26

Since 1977, the Governor has appointed a student from an institution in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) to represent Utah students on the State Board of Regents. The Student Regent is a voting member of the Board and serves at the Governor’s appointment for one year. Any eligible USHE student is encouraged to apply. […]
USHE institutions brought $827 million to Utah in research and grant funding for 2017-18
USHE institutions brought $827 million to the state in research and other grant funds during the 2017-18 academic year, an increase of 18% over the previous year. Institutional grants and contracts provide significant benefits to campuses and society as a whole through gains from research, innovative teaching practices, and economic development. Nearly $564 million of the […]
Trends in Higher Ed: State need-based financial aid
States invest in need-based financial aid programs to promote access and success for students who might not otherwise be able to afford postsecondary education. Nationally, expenditures in state financial aid programs continue to steadily increase. The annual report of the National Association of State Student Grant and Aid Programs, or NASSGAP, finds that the amount […]