2022 Legislative Update: Week 6

February 22-25, 2022 Executive Appropriations Committee Adopts Higher Education Funding Items The Executive Appropriations Committee adopted proposed new funding items this evening (in addition to the base budget increases adopted early in the 2022 legislative session that includes a 5.75% employee compensation market increase). The proposed items to higher education are closely aligned to the […]
Southern Utah University Presidential Search Committee announces public meetings

Southern Utah University Presidential Search Committee announces public meetings The Southern Utah University Presidential Search Committee will host three public meetings on Jan. 18, 2022, to obtain input from members of the campus community and the general public on the search for the next SUU president. Attendees will have the opportunity to join in person […]
USHE expands executive team, fills CFO role

Juliette M. Tennert as chief financial officer (left) and Taylor K. Adams as associate commissioner for strategic initiatives (right)
Weber State University inaugurates Brad L. Mortensen as 13th president

On January 7th, Weber State University inaugurated its 13th president, Brad L. Mortensen. Mortensen has been leading WSU for more than a year since he was selected by the USHE Board of Regents in December 2018 to fill the post. President Mortensen used the inauguration to announce a new $10 million scholarship initiative called ‘CATapult. […]
Board of Regents honor Utah’s state higher ed governing body’s 50th anniversary

[Pictured above: 1969 Utah Board of Regents] Fifty years ago, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) was formed by the state legislature with a single board—the Utah State Board of Regents—to govern the new system. In 1969, the population in Utah was just over one million. The world was learning new things about the […]
In a national context: Utah’s growing opportunity gap

At the August Board of Regents meeting, the new Workforce, Access, and Advocacy Committee tasked the Commissioner’s office with taking a closer look at data on Utah’s growing opportunity gap. Further evaluation of this gap will help to identify statewide strategies that address barriers for minority populations to access and complete postsecondary educational opportunities.
Trending in higher ed: food insecurity among college students

When thinking of concerns that college students face, it is common to think of rising tuition rates, choosing a major, and studying for and passing exams. But for nearly half of college students, food insecurity is a big concern, according to a recent nationwide survey from the Hope Center for College Community and Justice at […]
State of Utah Scholarships – 2019 Updates

This year, four major scholarships offered from the State of Utah have been updated. These scholarships include two academic, one new need-based scholarship, and one teaching scholarship. https://ushe.edu/home-page/state-of-utah-scholarships-2019-updates/
Trending in higher ed: the value of college

How is value measured? The value of a higher education has been long debated. Some traditional colleges and universities have prided themselves on not only preparing their graduates for a career but creating well-rounded individuals that contribute a great deal to society as a whole which is seen as a significant noneconomic return on a […]
Report: Utah saw 82% decrease in state need-based financial aid over the last decade

The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education released Tuition and Fees in the West 2018-19: Trends and Implications, which discusses the results of the 2018-19 survey of Tuition and Fees in Public Higher Education in the West, as well as recent trends in state fiscal support and state grant aid. This data can also be […]