Utah has lowest student debt in the nation

On Tuesday, the Project on Student Debt released its report on student loan debt for the class of 2014, and it contains good news: Utah has the lowest average student debt in the country, at $18,921. Only 54 percent of Utah college students take out student loans, the seventh-lowest in the nation. In fact, the average amount of […]
Utah Educational Savings Plan receives Morningstar Gold rating five years in a row

The Utah Educational Savings Plan (UESP), Utah’s official 529 college savings program, received the highest stamp of approval from Morningstar Inc., a leading provider of independent investment research, for the fifth consecutive year. Of 63 plans Morningstar analyzed, UESP was one of only four to receive a Morningstar Analyst Rating™ of Gold in 2015, indicating […]
Fifth-annual “Expect the Great” hosted by Weber State University

The fifth-annual “Expect the Great” college and career fair was held on October 10 at Weber State University (WSU). The free event is a college and career awareness conference targeting members of the African, African-American and black communities to provide information, resources and other support to increase college participation, retention and graduation. Workshops included: Applying […]
Enrollment increases over 2% at Utah’s public colleges and universities

USHE sees the impact of returning LDS missionaries Utah’s public colleges and universities are seeing a 2 percent bump in enrollment this fall semester. After two consecutive years of flat enrollment growth, primarily driven by the missionary age change announced in fall 2012 by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, returning missionaries are […]
Utah Scholars reached over 32,000 eighth-graders in 2014-15

The Utah Scholars Initiative (USI) is a high-impact academic program to help students understand the academic preparation needed to be successful in college and in the workforce. Utah Scholars complete a defined curriculum while in high school in order to be better prepared for college. Utah Scholars is the outreach program for the Regents’ Scholarship, […]
2016 Legislative Budget Priorities approved by the State Board of Regents

The Utah State Board of Regents approved the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) budget priorities during its meeting on September 18 at Utah State University in preparation for the 2016 legislative session. “These budget priorities reflect the most pressing needs of our state’s higher education institutions as well as the strategic objectives of the Board […]
U.S. Department of Education launches revised College Scorecard

The U.S. Department of Education has unveiled a new College Scorecard intended to better inform prospective students, the public, and policymakers about graduation rates and college students’ earnings once in the workforce. Any college or university in the United States eligible to participate in Federal Student Financial Assistance programs (e.g., credit-granting institutions) is available to […]
Competency-Based Learning and Prior Learning Assessment common themes at Joint Legislative Education Conference at SUU

The Utah Legislature held a joint education conference with all legislators serving on education committees as well as the governing boards of the three education entities – The State Board of Regents, the Utah College of Applied Technology Board of Trustees, and the Utah State Office of Education. The two-day conference took place September 2-3 […]
Utah higher ed leaders support Higher Ed for Higher Standards

In the last two weeks, both the SAGE test results and the 2015 ACT report “The Condition of College and Career Readiness” show more Utah students need to graduate from high school ready for college. For example: Over half of students arriving on the campuses of Utah’s public colleges and universities need remediation in math, learning or re-learning […]
ACT releases latest College and Career Readiness report

Today, ACT released the 2015 Condition of College and Career Readiness report, based on ACT test results for the 2015 graduating class. Utah is one of 13 states that allows students to take the ACT for free during their junior year; thus, 40,629 students in the 2015 graduating class have taken the ACT. More students than ever […]