Changes coming to the Regents’ Scholarship for the class of 2019

The Regents’ Scholarship is a state-sponsored scholarship that helps Utah high school students clearly understand the most important classes to prepare for college. Since 2008, with the financial support of the Utah Legislature, more than 17,000 students have received the Regents’ Scholarship, growing 20% annually. The academic accomplishments of the scholarship recipients are impressive: Average […]

Over 550 attend 9th-annual USHE Conference for School Counselors & Administrators

On Friday, September 29, 2017, the 9th-annual Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) Conference for School Counselors and Administrators was held at the Marriott City Creek Center. Over 550 counselors, administrators, college access professionals, and others came to the conference, which is provided free of charge. Utah Valley University President Matthew Holland gave the keynote […]

Regents address mental health on Utah’s college campuses


Mental health has become a prominent issue for Utah’s college students. During the last legislative session, the Utah Legislature passed a concurrent resolution declaring student mental health a public health crisis on Utah’s college campuses.  In December 2016, Regent Chair Dan Campbell convened the Regents’ Mental Health Working Group to recommend action to address student […]

Board of Regents prioritizes USHE 2018-19 capital facilities requests

Weber State University Commencement 2017

The Utah State Board of Regents approved the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) budget request and prioritized the USHE capital facilities requests during its meeting on Friday, Sept. 15, 2017 at Weber State University in Ogden in preparation for the 2018 Legislative Session. Each year, the Regents re-evaluate the capital facilities needs of its institutions. This prioritization […]

2018-19 USHE budget request approved by the Board of Regents

The Utah State Board of Regents approved the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) budget request and prioritized the USHE capital facilities requests during its meeting on Friday, Sept. 15, 2017 at Weber State University in Ogden in preparation for the 2018 Legislative Session. “Funding these budget priorities will help institutions move the needle in critical […]

Commissioner & USHE presidents send joint letter to Utah’s congressional members regarding DACA decision

On Wednesday, September 6, 2017, Commissioner of Higher Education David Buhler and the presidents of Utah’s eight public colleges and universities sent the following letter to Utah’s congressional members: September 6, 2017 Senator Orrin Hatch Senator Mike Lee Representative Rob Bishop Representative Chris Stewart Representative Mia Love Dear Senators and Representatives, At its core, public higher […]

University of Utah Presidential Search Committee announces public meetings

The University of Utah Presidential Search Committee will host three public meetings to obtain input from members of the University of Utah community and the general public on the presidential search. Public input from these meetings will help the committee shape a position announcement, the primary advertisement for the position used in recruiting candidates. September […]

Average student debt in Utah continues to be lowest in nation

2016 Utah graduate wages

LendEdu recently released student loan debt statistics for the class of 2016, and Utah continues to have the lowest average student debt in the country at $18,810 (compared to the national average of $27,975). In fact, Utah was the only state in the nation with an average student debt load under $20,000. Utah also has the lowest […]

Governor Herbert meets with regents, trustees and presidents

The Board of Regents, Boards of Trustees and presidents from all eight USHE institutions recently participated in a joint meeting of higher education leaders to discuss some of Utah’s most pressing higher education issues. This once-a-year coordinating meeting occurs in conjunction with the Regents’ regularly-scheduled July meeting. Governor Herbert also attended a portion of the […]