Board of Regents approves budget and prioritizes USHE 2019-20 capital facilities requests

The Utah State Board of Regents approved the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) budget request and prioritized the USHE capital facilities requests during its meeting on Friday, September 21, 2018 at the University of Utah in preparation for the 2019 Legislative Session. Each year, the Regents re-evaluate the capital facilities needs of its institutions. […]

Celebrating a decade of college success training for Utah K-12 administrators and counselors

Ten years ago the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) hosted its first statewide conference for school administrators and counselors. Around 170 counselors attended that conference. Since then, the annual conference has quadrupled in size, with over 660 attendees at this year’s 10th annual USHE Conference for School Counselors and Administrators, including elementary, junior high, […]

Snow College presidential search committee announces public meetings

The Snow College presidential search committee will host two public meetings to obtain input from members of the campus community and the general public about what the committee should look for in a future president. Public input from these meetings will help the committee shape a position announcement, the primary advertisement for the position used […]

Utah continues to have the lowest student loan debt in the nation

Except for mortgages, student loans make up the largest component of household debt for Americans. And the amount of student loans in the nation continue to grow. At the end of the first quarter of 2018, total outstanding college-loan balances were $1.41 trillion, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The good news […]

Commencement 2018: SLCC, U of U, USU, and UVU graduation recap

Utah’s colleges and universities have been celebrating the accomplishments of their graduates with commencement ceremonies the last few weeks. See 2018 commencement photos from DSU, Snow, SUU, and WSU. Salt Lake Community College: 3,603 graduates Certificates: 1,182 Associate: 3,033 University of Utah: 8,568 graduates Bachelor’s: 5,791 Master’s: 2,343 Doctoral: 703 Juris Doctors: 97 Doctors of Pharmacy: 55 Doctors of Medicine: 101 Doctors […]

Commencement 2018: DSU, Snow, SUU, and WSU graduation recap

Over the past few weeks, Utah’s colleges and universities have celebrated the accomplishments of their graduates with commencement ceremonies. We will be highlighting graduation photos from institutions in the Utah System of Higher Education in two installments, with the rest of the institutions coming next week.   Dixie State University: 1,719 graduates Certificates: 356 Associate: 929 Bachelor’s: 790 Snow […]

Weber State University presidential search committee announces public meetings

The Weber State University presidential search committee will host two public meetings to obtain input from members of the campus community and the general public about what the committee should look for in a future president. Public input from these meetings will help the committee shape a position announcement, the primary advertisement for the position […]

2018 Legislative update – Week 7 (Final Update)

The 2018 Legislative Session ended yesterday, March 8. The following is a brief summary of budget increases and key legislation. A more complete overview of the legislative session will be presented at the upcoming Board of Regents meeting on Friday, March 30, 2018. Budget Update Legislative leaders adopted priorities for the 2018-19 budget during the […]

2018 Legislative Update – Week 6

Budget Update Legislative leaders are in the final stages of compiling the 2018-19 budget in the final days of the legislative session. The Executive Appropriations Committee is scheduled to meet on Monday to approve the major components of the new budget appropriations for consideration by the full legislature. The latest quarterly revenue estimates indicate there […]

2018 Legislative Update – Week 5

Revised Budget Revenues Announced The Legislature has $209 million more than expected to spend in budgets as it prepares the 2018-19 budget. This came from projections released by legislative analysts, the Governor’s Office and the Utah Tax Commission last week based on new quarterly revenue estimates: Additional details on the revenues are available here Legislation […]