
Snow College presidential search committee announces public meetings

The Snow College presidential search committee will host two public meetings to obtain input from members of the campus community and the general public about what the committee should look for in a future president.

Public input from these meetings will help the committee shape a position announcement, the primary advertisement for the position used in recruiting candidates. Those unable to attend these meetings are encouraged to submit a comment online through the newly-launched presidential search page, snow.edu/presidentialsearch.

Snow College – Ephraim Campus

September 12, 2018
4:00 – 5:00pm

Noyes Building, Founder Hall
150 East College Avenue
Ephraim, Utah 84627

Snow College – Richfield Campus

September 12, 2018
7:00 – 8:00pm

Sorensen Administration Building, Room 147 A&D
800 West 200 South
Richfield, Utah 84701

After the position announcement is finalized, the presidential search committee will go to work recruiting candidates, screening applications, and conducting interviews with a number of potential finalists. The next public announcement from the committee will be when it recommends three to five finalists to the Board of Regents, which is expected to take place in early 2019. To learn more about the search process and provide feedback to the search committee, visit snow.edu/presidentialsearch.

The Snow College presidential search committee will be co-chaired by Regent Mark Stoddard and Snow College Board of Trustees Chair Scott Bushnell. It is comprised of representatives from the Board of Regents, trustees, and institutional stakeholders including faculty, staff, students, administration, alumni, and community members. It also includes representation from each academic division in Snow College and both Ephraim and Richfield campuses. See a complete list of Snow College presidential search committee members. 

In May 2018, Dr. Gary L. Carlston, president of Snow College, announced his intent to retire in early 2019 after five years as president.


Media Inquiries

Trisha Dugovic
Communications Director

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