
The impact of a 2% budget cut

As part of the one-time budget reduction made by the Executive Appropriations Committee before the 2015 legislative session, all appropriations subcommittees were requested to identify a 2% cut to existing base budgets, including higher education.  The stated intent is to “stress test” areas of the state budget to help inform budget priorities for the upcoming […]

USHE response to 2014 legislative intent language

In 2014, the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee, and subsequently the State Legislature as a whole, adopted intent language for the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) to report on completion, transfer, job placement, cost and the transition from developmental to college-level math. Highlights from the report include: Graduation rates Completing a bachelor’s degree in 100% of time […]

Consider sending your state income tax refund directly to your UESP account

Want to pocket more money for college? While preparing your 2014 Utah state income tax returns, consider sending your state income tax refund directly to your Utah Educational Savings Plan (UESP) account. Your refund will be applied equally among accounts owned by you and, if you file taxes jointly, your spouse. On the last page […]

Improving counselor training in college and career readiness

February 2-6 has been declared School Counseling Week in Utah. “School counselors are actively committed to helping students explore their abilities, strengths, interests, and talents, as these traits relate to career awareness and development,” said Governor Herbert in a declaration. The Governor’s timing of this declaration not only coincides with national events recognizing the role of […]

Engineering and Computer Science Initiative

Established in 2001, the Engineering and Computer Science Initiative established a goal to increase the number of students graduating from engineering, computer science, and related technology programs. The Legislature approved SB61: Enhancements to the State Systems of Public and Higher Education, sponsored by Sen. Lyle Hillyard. Funding for this initiative has impacted on degrees awarded […]

New UESP features for 2015 add flexibility

Account owners benefit from higher Utah state income tax benefit, now may change account investment option twice per year for the same beneficiary. The Utah Educational Savings Plan (UESP), Utah’s official and only 529 college savings plan, announced program improvements that benefit Utahns whose New Year’s resolutions include investing more for college in 2015. Starting this year, Utah […]

Continued state funding critical to higher education

The State Board of Regents, in partnership with the Governor and state Legislature, have taken significant steps to maintain state funding for public higher education in Utah. Utah’s historical trend in state funding support for higher education is similar to the nation’s – relatively flat levels of state funding at a time of significant student […]

Nearly 40% of USHE students received Pell Grant support in 2013-14

Pell Grants: An Overview The Federal Pell Grant Program provides need-based grants to low-income undergraduate and certain post-graduate students to promote access to higher education. A Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not need to be repaid, and can be used at any one of approximately 5,400 participating postsecondary institutions nationwide. Grant amounts are dependent […]

The Utah Medical Education Council

The Utah Medical Education Council (UMEC) was created in 1997 with the mission to conduct healthcare workforce research and became part of the Utah System of Higher Education in 2013. UMEC’s mission  includes advising on Utah’s medical workforce needs, influencing graduate medical education financing policies, and working with state legislators, schools of medicine, and numerous […]

Utah Campus Compact

Utah Campus Compact (UCC) has been committed to strengthening the public and civic purpose of higher education in the State of Utah since its founding in 1996.  A membership network, UCC includes all eight of the Utah System of Higher Education institutions, Westminster College, and the Utah College of Applied Technology.  According to the Annual […]