
Changes to the Regents’ Scholarship coming for the Class of 2019

The Utah State Board of Regents approved changes for the Regents’ Scholarship at their meeting November 17, 2017, at Utah State University in Logan, Utah. The Regents’ Scholarship changes will take effect for the Class of 2019, current high school juniors. The new Regents’ Scholarship both rewards students whose academic achievements demonstrate a high likelihood of […]

Students earn $1,000 scholarships in bookmark contest

Eight Utah students are $1,000 closer to their college dreams, thanks to their winning submissions in the Utah Educational Savings Plan (UESP) and StepUp to Higher Education’s Make Your Mark bookmark contest. More than 1,500 students in four age brackets entered original artwork for a chance at a $1,000 UESP college savings scholarship account. Kindergarten […]

Higher Ed Appropriations approves performance funding model

The Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee approved the Board of Regents’ recommended performance funding model at its October meeting. The Board adopted a revised outcomes-focused model based on legislation passed in the 2017 legislative session. S.B. 117 – Higher Education Performance Funding (Millner/Wilson), establishes the Performance Funding Restricted Account. The account is funded from 14 percent of […]

Who is today’s “typical” college student?

While many tend to think of the “typical” college student as an 18-22 year-old who lives on campus and attends classes full time, in reality, nearly 40% of undergraduate students are older than 25, about 58% are working while attending college, and more than one-quarter are parents, according to data from the Lumina Foundation, a […]

Over 550 attend 9th-annual USHE Conference for School Counselors & Administrators

On Friday, September 29, 2017, the 9th-annual Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) Conference for School Counselors and Administrators was held at the Marriott City Creek Center. Over 550 counselors, administrators, college access professionals, and others came to the conference, which is provided free of charge. Utah Valley University President Matthew Holland gave the keynote […]

New report: Utah student debt still lowest in the nation

A new report from the Project on Student Debt shows Utah continues to be the top-ranked state for low student debt. Utah is the only state with the average student debt less than $20,000. Utah is also the top ranked state for the lowest percentage of graduates with student debt at 43 percent, one of […]

ACT releases 2017 Condition of College and Career Readiness report

ACT released the 2017 Condition of College and Career Readiness report, based on ACT test results for 2017. Utah is one of 20 states that allows students to take the ACT at no cost to the student during their junior year. Thus, 42,580 students in the 2016 graduating class have taken the ACT (1,134 more students than 2016). More […]

Issue Brief: Developmental Education in Utah

The number of high school students who enroll in college after graduation has been on the rise the past several years. Many students, however, are surprised when they take placement tests and must enroll in developmental courses. This detour from college-level courses can be costly in terms of both time and money. Unfortunately, it often […]