Fifth-annual “Expect the Great” hosted by Weber State University

The fifth-annual “Expect the Great” college and career fair was held on October 10 at Weber State University (WSU). The free event is a college and career awareness conference targeting members of the African, African-American and black communities to provide information, resources and other support to increase college participation, retention and graduation.


Workshops included:

  • Applying for financial aid
  • Learning to navigate college from start to finish
  • College, career, and life
  • A professional development session for counselors and administrators on trends in public schools and in the juvenile criminal-justice system
  • Career profiles

The conference has been a part of a Utah System of Higher Education statewide effort for the past four years. It started with the leadership of Board of Regents Vice Chair France A. Davis seeking an outreach event to increase college access for African-American students. Regent Davis and Utah’s Commissioner of Higher Education David Buhler gave opening remarks at the event. WSU President Wight also attended along with with WSU Provost Miner who gave the institutional welcome. Keynote speaker was Jack Hesleph, Director of Student Employment & Cooperative Education at Salt Lake Community College.

The conference concluded with a college and career exposition, featuring Utah colleges and universities and area employers.

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