
Public Safety Officer Career Advancement Grant (PSOCAG) Program

The Public Safety Officer Career Advancement Grant (PSOCAG) is a grant program for current certified peace officers who are pursuing a post-secondary degree in the area of criminal justice from a credit-granting USHE institution.  

  • Eligible Students:
    • Utah adult residents
    • Current certified peace officers
  • Eligibility Requirements:
    • Be a certified peace officer currently employed by a Utah law enforcement agency
    • Seeking a post-secondary degree in a criminal justice-related program from a credit-granting USHE institution
    • Complete a FAFSA
    • Not be a recipient of the Karen Mayne Public Safety Officer Scholarship for the same degree
  • Eligible Uses:      
    • Tuition and fees
  • Award:             
    • Up to tuition and fees, with a maximum of $5,000 per year, based on available funding
  • Award Duration:       
    • Up to four academic years (including any prior awards received under the Public Safety Officer Career Advancement Reimbursement (PSOCAR) program, which was replaced by PSOCAG).
  • Eligible Institutions:       
    • Public, degree-granting institutions:
      • Salt Lake Community College
      • Snow College
      • Southern Utah University
      • University of Utah
      • Utah State University
      • Utah Tech University
      • Utah Valley University 
      • Weber State University
  • Application Process:
    • Contact the institution’s financial aid office
  • Additional Information:   
    • Contact the institution’s financial aid office