New reimbursement program encourages longevity in law enforcement careers

In an effort to encourage Utahns working in criminal justice to lengthen their careers, Senator Karen Mayne sponsored legislation during the 2017 Legislative Session to incentivize educational advancements in the criminal justice industry. The Peace Officer Career Advancement Reimbursement program provides up to half of tuition and fees (maximum of $5,000) per qualified student annually. […]

Introducing the 2017-18 Student Body Presidents

As the 2016-2017 academic year comes to an end, new Student Body Presidents have been elected at USHE’s colleges and universities. The Student Body Presidents, elected by their student peers, will serve during the 2017-18 academic year. The presidents, together, form the leadership for the statewide student association that advocates on behalf of students on […]

Harris Simmons elected Vice Chair of the Board of Regents

Simmons follows France Davis in the role; Davis and four other Regents finish their terms on the Board The Board of Regents has unanimously elected Harris Simmons to serve as Vice Chair of the Board of Regents at their meeting May 19 at Salt Lake Community College, South City Campus. He will be replacing France […]

Governor signs concurrent resolution on campus mental health crisis

Governor Gary Herbert signed HCR 16, Concurrent Resolution Declaring Mental Health Issues To Be A Public Health Crisis At Utah Higher Education Institutions (Rep. Redd) on May 3. This resolution declares mental health issues to be a public health crisis at Utah higher education institutions and strongly urges Utah’s government and community groups to seek productive, long-term […]

Statement on the University of Utah presidential search

The University of Utah President David Pershing announced to the U. Academic Senate this afternoon that he will return to a faculty position at the conclusion of a presidential search. He will remain as president until his successor is appointed by the Board of Regents. “President Pershing has dedicated 40 years of service to the […]

What percentage of Utah high school graduates go to college?

The Board of Regents adopted a ten-year strategic plan in 2016 focusing on three key objectives, one of which was Affordable Participation. The benchmark for this objective called for the rate of college participation among Utah high school graduates to increase to 75% five years after high school graduation. On average, 52% of Utah high […]

USHE initiative helps students earn meaningful credentials on their way to a degree

Timely Completion is one of the three strategic objectives named in the Board of Regents’ ten-year strategic plan, approved in January 2016. As part of the focus on completion, the Board requested institutions develop ways for students to complete certificates and associate degrees within the overall path to bachelor’s degrees. This concept is known as stackable […]

Board of Regents to adopt major governance revisions in 2017

The 2017 Legislature adopted some of the most sweeping governance revisions for the Board of Regents since its establishment in 1969 through SB 238, Higher Education Governance Revisions (Millner/Wilson). The legislation puts into the law significant areas of existing policy and practice of the board, including board member selection, board duties, the selection of institution […]

2017 Legislature approves top 3 Regents’ building priorities

The 2017 Legislature approved funding for the top three priorities of  the state-funded capital facilities requests of the Utah State Board of Regents. Each year, the Regents re-evaluate the capital facilities needs of USHE institutions. This prioritization is conducted after an extensive evaluation process including project site visits by the Capital Facilities Committee, space inventories, and […]