
Math and Graduation: Overview of SB 196 – Math Competency Initiative

This is the fifth article in a multi-part series about math in high school and college leading to completion of a degree or certificate. The first article focused on math and high school preparation, the second on developmental/remedial math, the third on math and STEM, and the fourth on math instruction innovations at Weber State University. […]

Regents establish performance metrics for new state funding

In January 2015, the Board of Regents adopted and advanced a Performance Funding proposal for legislative review. In working closely with the co-chairs of the Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee of the Legislature Senator Stephen Urquhart and Representative Keith Grover, the Board of Regents established performance metrics for a portion of the new funds appropriated to […]

Engineering and Computer Technology Initiative receives new funding

In 2001 the Legislature established an Engineering and Computer Technology Initiative within the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) to increase the number of students graduating from engineering, computer science, and related technology programs. During the past 14 years, the initiative has increased awards in these areas by nearly 27,000 degrees within USHE, making a […]

K-12 approves new math competency requirements

The Utah State Board of Education approved new requirements for secondary math in relation to math competency legislation passed during the 2015 legislative session (SB196, Sen. Millner). The bill requires the Board of Regents to develop ways for students to earn college credit as they fulfill math requirements in high school, including expansion of concurrent […]

Plateau tuition: How can it help students?

In July 2013, the Utah State Board of Regents, with the support of presidents in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE), adopted a Completion Resolution, which encourages the implementation of five key strategies to improve college completion in the state. What is Plateau Tuition? Plateau tuition – or “banded” tuition – is a set […]

New report analyzes factors for rising tuition

A new report released by the national public policy organization, Demos, uses national data to explain the primary causes for tuition increases in the past 10-15 years. There is no shortage of pundits attempting to explain the rise in tuition.  Is it administrative bloat? Increased spending on construction? Decreased state support? The report argues more […]

New report compares state by state spending on higher education

A new report by the State Higher Education Executive Officers association (SHEEO) indicates state funding support for higher education has increased in recent years nationally. However, when adjusted for inflation, spending on higher education is still below pre-recession levels. For the first time in years, public colleges’ reliance on tuition revenue dipped slightly — nationally […]

2015 Legislative Summary

Overview In preparation for the 2015 Legislative Session, the Board of Regents established a multi-layered budget strategy to continue addressing the most critical needs of USHE institutions as well as prioritize STEM needs in capital development. The Board, with the support of institutional presidents, prioritized merit-based compensation increases, continued support for Mission Based Funding, expanded […]

2015 Legislative Update – Week 6

2015-2016 Budget The Executive Appropriations Committee approved its first round of funding items on Thursday. For higher education, initial items include a beginning 2% merit increase in compensation, $8 million in performance funding ($2 million ongoing, $6 million one-time), and $2.5 million for growth in the Regents’ Scholarship. In addition, three of the Regents’ capital […]

2015 Legislative Interns (Part 2)

As mentioned in a previous post, while the Utah State Legislature is in session, 93 college students from around the state of Utah get the opportunity to intern for state legislators. This internship gives college students the opportunity to take part first hand in the legislative process and interact with state leaders on key issues. Whether […]