
State funding is key ingredient to Utah’s efficient colleges and universities

Springtime in higher ed brings the excitement of commencements, graduations, and post-college adventures. In the next few weeks, over 30,000 USHE students will be awarded certificates and degrees, a major lifetime accomplishment that will prepare them for their future. Less visibly, spring is also the time when state budgets across the country are adopted for […]

Regents adopt statewide student safety policy to strengthen efforts in addressing sexual misconduct

Student safety has become an issue of primary concern for institutions of higher education throughout the country, in particular regarding sex discrimination, sexual violence and harassment under Title IX. Although all Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) institutions have in place several policies and practices that address student safety, every student, regardless of the institution […]

Starting Oct. 1, students can file their 2017-18 FAFSA

On Sept. 14, 2015, President Obama announced significant changes to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) process that will impact millions of students. Starting with the 2017–18 FAFSA, the following changes will be in effect: Students will be able to submit their FAFSA as early as Oct. 1, 2016, rather than beginning on Jan. 1, 2017. […]

Legislative committee meeting discusses student debt and higher ed costs

The Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee of the Utah Legislature met on Tuesday. Their discussions focused on the issues of student debt and increasing costs for higher education. The rising costs for students to enroll in college is a prominent topic nationally, and higher education institutions mistakenly shoulder the blame. However, a recent special report by […]

Regents adopt new policy clarifying role of advisor in student disciplinary proceedings

At the Board of Regents meeting on Friday, July 15, the Board passed a new policy that provides more clarity for students involved in disciplinary proceedings at Utah’s public colleges and universities. Essentially, the policy makes it clear that students are allowed to have an advisor—whether that be an advocate or legal representative—when involved in […]

Which measures are most effective at placing students in the appropriate college math course?

A recent USHE analysis found that using multiple performance measures (e.g., GPA, ACT score) to successfully place a student in a general education math course is key to successful course completion. Furthermore, a student’s cumulative GPA is the most significant academic performance predictor of success in general education math courses that fulfill the USHE Quantitative […]

Newly-passed legislation will reduce administrative costs for online courses

HB 379, Interstate Reciprocity Agreement for Postsecondary Distance Education, sponsored by Rep. Val Peterson and Sen. Ann Millner, was passed during the 2016 Legislative Session. While the legislation itself didn’t receive much attention, it will significantly reduce the costs to administer those programs. The bill received unanimous support by both the House and Senate and […]

Every Student Succeeds Act passed by Congress, signed by President

The U.S. Senate on December 9 voted 85-12 in favor of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The bill is a rewrite of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to replace No Child Left Behind, which expired in 2007. ESSA marks a major compromise that emerged between Democrats and Republicans in recent months, largely scaling […]