ACT releases 2017 Condition of College and Career Readiness report
ACT released the 2017 Condition of College and Career Readiness report, based on ACT test results for 2017. Utah is one of 20 states that allows students to take the ACT at no cost to the student during their junior year. Thus, 42,580 students in the 2016 graduating class have taken the ACT (1,134 more students than 2016). More […]
Issue Brief: Developmental Education in Utah
The number of high school students who enroll in college after graduation has been on the rise the past several years. Many students, however, are surprised when they take placement tests and must enroll in developmental courses. This detour from college-level courses can be costly in terms of both time and money. Unfortunately, it often […]
New report: 30M good jobs that pay without a BA (but many still require college)
Although the decline in the manufacturing economy eliminated many good jobs for high school graduates, new research from the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce (Georgetown Center) finds that there are currently 30 million good jobs in the U.S. that pay well without a bachelor’s degree (B.A.). These good jobs have a median […]
Analyzing Utah’s college participation and completion patterns

In 2016, the Board of Regents adopted a 10-year strategic plan, Utah: A State of Opportunity, which includes two specific goals related to students’ participation and completion of higher education: 75% of Utah’s high school graduates would enroll in college within five years of high school graduation by the year 2025 Degree productivity at institutions […]
12 key takeaways from the NCES Condition of Education 2017 report

The National Center for Education Statistics recently published its annual report, The Condition of Education 2017, which showcases national trends in education using data from the 2014-15 academic year. Below are higher education highlights from the report: 1.) The more education earned, the higher the medial annual earnings. For young adults ages 25–34 who worked full […]
University of Utah ranks among top 2% of all teacher prep programs in the nation
The National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) recently released its latest ratings for 717 undergraduate programs that prepare high school teachers, including ratings for seven programs in Utah. The University of Utah ranks among the top 2% of the over 700 programs analyzed NTCQ that ranked as a “Top Tier Secondary Teacher Prep Programs” by […]
USHE hosts first annual joint access & completion retreat
On April 21, 2017, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) hosted a retreat on college access and completion at the Leonardo in Salt Lake City. Higher ed enthusiasts including USHE institution faculty, staff, and administrators, representatives from community and state organizations such as United Way and the Department of Workforce Services, and public ed supporters […]
What percentage of Utah high school graduates go to college?

The Board of Regents adopted a ten-year strategic plan in 2016 focusing on three key objectives, one of which was Affordable Participation. The benchmark for this objective called for the rate of college participation among Utah high school graduates to increase to 75% five years after high school graduation. On average, 52% of Utah high […]
CollegeCon 2017
CollegeCon 2017 is a free one-day conference that allows parents and students the opportunity to explore college possibilities through booths, keynote speeches, and small-group breakout sessions. This year’s event, held at Davis High School on March 18, drew over 1,400 attendees. Representatives from the Utah System of Higher Education attended the event. Hundreds of students […]
Utah ranked #2 Best State for Higher Ed, but completion rate leaves room for improvement
Utah was named the #2 Best State for Higher Education by US News and World Report in their new rankings last month. This was determined by looking at a variety of factors, such as debt load, graduation rate, and cost. Utah also ranked as the 9th Best State for Education overall, which included both higher ed […]