
Gen Z: Three takeaways on the new generation of college students

A recent report by the Chronicle of Higher Education entitled The New Generation of Students discussed the differences in the newest generation hitting college campuses: Generation Z. Born between approximately 1995 and 2012, these new traditionally-aged college students are markedly different from generations even in the recent past when it comes to diversity, attitudes about […]

2018-2019 Student Regent applications due March 27

Since 1977, the Governor has appointed a student from an institution in the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) to represent Utah students on the State Board of Regents. The Student Regent is a voting member of the Board and serves at the Governor’s appointment for one year. Any eligible USHE student is encouraged to apply. […]

Regents address mental health on Utah’s college campuses


Mental health has become a prominent issue for Utah’s college students. During the last legislative session, the Utah Legislature passed a concurrent resolution declaring student mental health a public health crisis on Utah’s college campuses.  In December 2016, Regent Chair Dan Campbell convened the Regents’ Mental Health Working Group to recommend action to address student […]

Governor Herbert meets with regents, trustees and presidents

The Board of Regents, Boards of Trustees and presidents from all eight USHE institutions recently participated in a joint meeting of higher education leaders to discuss some of Utah’s most pressing higher education issues. This once-a-year coordinating meeting occurs in conjunction with the Regents’ regularly-scheduled July meeting. Governor Herbert also attended a portion of the […]

Governor signs concurrent resolution on campus mental health crisis

Governor Gary Herbert signed HCR 16, Concurrent Resolution Declaring Mental Health Issues To Be A Public Health Crisis At Utah Higher Education Institutions (Rep. Redd) on May 3. This resolution declares mental health issues to be a public health crisis at Utah higher education institutions and strongly urges Utah’s government and community groups to seek productive, long-term […]

USHE hosts first annual joint access & completion retreat

On April 21, 2017, the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) hosted a retreat on college access and completion at the Leonardo in Salt Lake City. Higher ed enthusiasts including USHE institution faculty, staff, and administrators, representatives from community and state organizations such as United Way and the Department of Workforce Services, and public ed supporters […]

SLCC hosts third-annual Title IX Symposium

Last Friday, March 3, Salt Lake Community College hosted the third annual Title IX Symposium at its Jordan campus. This year’s event, Not Alone: Best Practices and Building Bridges Towards Inclusivity, featured a keynote by Liz Seccuro, who is an author, activist, and rape survivor. She spoke about the current crisis of gender-based violence, what we’ve […]

2017 Legislative Update – Week 6

2017-2018 Budget The Executive Appropriations Committee approved its first round of funding items on Friday. For higher education, initial items include: Compensation: 2% labor market adjustment increase (plus funding for health insurance rate increases), with the ratio of funding at 75% from state funds and 25% of tuition funds. Student Enrollment Growth: $3.5 million ongoing for […]

Higher ed in Utah is efficient, innovative and collaborative

*This op-ed from Commissioner David Buhler ran in the Deseret News on Sunday, February 26, 2017. In response to the recent editorial in the Deseret News, Utahns can be pleased that our eight public colleges and universities are the envy of the nation when it comes to scalable collaboration, innovation, and efficiency. Part of what […]