New report compares state by state spending on higher education

A new report by the State Higher Education Executive Officers association (SHEEO) indicates state funding support for higher education has increased in recent years nationally. However, when adjusted for inflation, spending on higher education is still below pre-recession levels. For the first time in years, public colleges’ reliance on tuition revenue dipped slightly — nationally […]

Board of Regents approves lowest tuition increase in 16 years

The Utah State Board of Regents approved an average system-wide tuition increase of 3.06 percent for the 2015-16 academic year—the lowest average increase since 1999—at their meeting today at Dixie State University. “In higher education, our first concern is the students. We want to keep tuition as low as possible, while ensuring that students receive […]

Continued state funding critical to higher education

The State Board of Regents, in partnership with the Governor and state Legislature, have taken significant steps to maintain state funding for public higher education in Utah. Utah’s historical trend in state funding support for higher education is similar to the nation’s – relatively flat levels of state funding at a time of significant student […]

Nearly 40% of USHE students received Pell Grant support in 2013-14

Pell Grants: An Overview The Federal Pell Grant Program provides need-based grants to low-income undergraduate and certain post-graduate students to promote access to higher education. A Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not need to be repaid, and can be used at any one of approximately 5,400 participating postsecondary institutions nationwide. Grant amounts are dependent […]

Utah ranked one of the most affordable states for college

Utah’s public colleges are among the best deals in the country. Utah was recently ranked “the best state for student debt.” With one of the lowest tuition rates for 4-year public colleges in the country, Utah is one of the most cost-effective states to get a college degree. Utah ranks high in key categories: • […]

Regents approve 2015-16 budget priorities

The Board of Regents approved the budget priorities of the Utah System of Higher Education (USHE) for fiscal years 2015-16 at its most recent Board meeting held Sept. 26 at Utah State University. By state statute, the Board is required to submit a unified budget request to the Legislature each year as part of its duty […]

UHEAA hosts Paying for College Nights

The Utah Higher Education Assistance Authority (UHEAA) is hosting the 2014 Paying for College Nights in conjunction with the Utah Council on Secondary/Post-secondary Relations. So far this school year, seven events have been held at high schools in Utah, primarily in rural school districts. Thirteen additional events will be hosted throughout the fall. At these […]

State funding and tuition

Higher education enjoys an important good-faith partnership with the Utah Legislature and the Governor.  Their support of higher education, especially during the challenging fiscal times of the Great Recession, has helped keep college in Utah much more affordable than current national trends. USHE institutions have also worked prudently to keep necessary tuition increases at a […]