JULY 1, 2020
Regents Present
Harris H. Simmons, Chair
Aaron Osmond, Vice Chair
Nina R. Barnes, Vice Chair
Mike Angus
Wilford W. Clyde
Jesselie B. Anderson
Jera L. Bailey
Stacey K. Bettridge
Arthur E. Newell
Patricia Jones
Lisa-Michele Church
Scott Theurer
Crystal Maggelet
Shawn Newell
Candyce Damron
Glen Rivera
Regents Absent
Alan E. Hall
Sanchaita Datta
Office of the Commissioner
Dave R. Woolstenhulme, Interim Commissioner of Higher Education
Rich Amon, Chief Financial Officer
Geoffrey Landward, Deputy Commissioner and General Counsel
Lais Martinez, Director of Diversity and Equity
Malissa Jones, Office Manager
Institutional Presidents Present
Chad Campbell, Bridgerland Technical College
Darin Brush, Davis Technical College
Richard B. Williams, Dixie State University
Kelle Stephens, Dixie Technical College
Clay Christensen, Mountainland Technical College
Jim Taggart, Ogden Weber Technical College
Deneece G. Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College
Brad J. Cook, Snow College
Scott L Wyatt, Southern Utah University
Brennan Wood, Southwest Technical College
Paul Hacking, Tooele Technical College
Aaron Weight, Uintah Basin Technical College
Ruth V. Watkins, University of Utah
Noelle Cockett, Utah State University
Astrid S. Tuminez, Utah Valley University
Brad L. Mortensen, Weber State University
Chair Simmons called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.
Committee of the Whole
Adopt Bylaws (TAB A)
Geoffrey Landward provided an overview of the bylaws. The bylaws are intended to allow the Board to
start to function and pass policies. Revisions will be made as the Board starts forming strategic plans.
Board member Barnes made a motion to adopt R120 Board of Higher Education Bylaws
with an amendment to section substituting the word “support” the chairs, effective
immediately; Board member Osmond seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Election of Officers
The new bylaws and governing statute require the Board to appoint a chair and one or more vice-chairs.
Board member Church nominated Harris Simmons as Chair of the Board of Higher
Education and Aaron Osmond and Nina Barnes as Vice-chairs of the Board of Higher
Education and made a motion to appoint Harris Simmons, Aaron Osmond and Nina
Barnes to those office respectively; Board member Jones seconded the motion and the
motion carried.
Appointment of Commissioner
Chair Simmons reviewed the Commissioner search process with the board and recommended Interim
Commissioner, Dave Woolstenhulme as the successful candidate from the search.
Board member Osmond made a motion to appoint Dr. Dave Woolstenhulme as
Commissioner of Higher Education, effective immediately; Board member Barnes
seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Approval of Staff
Statute requires the commissioner to appoint an Associate Commissioner for Technical Education and an
Associate Commissioner for Academic Education. Commissioner Woolstenhulme has selected Kim
Ziebarth to be the Associate Commissioner for Technical Education and Julie Hartley to be the Associate
Commissioner for Academic Education.
Board member Jones made a motion to approve Kim Ziebarth to be the Associate
Commissioner for Technical Education and Julie Hartley to be the Associate
Commissioner for Academic Education; Board member Bailey seconded the motion and
the motion carried.
Approval of Board Secretary
Board member Shawn Newell made a motion to appoint Geoff Landward as Board
Secretary; Board member Maggelet seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Committee Assignments (TAB B)
Chair Simmons reviewed the committee appointments with the Board. Committee meetings will be held
on alternating months with the Board meeting. Committee meetings will continue to be held virtually
after the pandemic. Chair Simmons also reviewed the R&R team assignments with the Board.
Adopt Board Policies
Geoff Landward provided an overview of the yearlong review process for the Board policies.
Board member Jones made a motion to adopt the Utah System of Technical Colleges
policies 100 and 102-580 and Utah Board of Regent Policies R121-R854 as Utah Board of
Higher Education Policies and authorize the Commissioner to make name changes,
numbering changes and to resolve any conflict among those policies; Board member
Anderson seconded the motion and the motion carried.
System Budget (TAB C)
Rich Amon reviewed the fiscal year 2021 budget with the Board members.
Board member Osmond made a motion to approve the Board of Higher Education’s budget
for fiscal year 2021 as presented with adjustments as necessary to balance to reduce
appropriations from the state legislature; Board member Maggelet seconded the motion
and the motion carried.
Approve Board Meeting Schedule (TAB D)
Board member Arthur Newell made a motion to adopt the schedule of meetings as
presented; Board member Shawn Newell seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Resolution (TAB E)
Commissioner Woolstenhulme introduced the resolution for equity and diversity. Lais Martinez provided
an in-depth explanation on the upcoming resolution. The goal of the resolution is to charge the Board and
System leadership to work together, across silos, to acknowledge system inequities in order to address
systemic change and increase opportunity for all Utahns wanting to pursue postsecondary education.
Board Training Information
A short review of the Bridge program was provided to the Board. More training will be offered in the
August 21st Board meeting.
On a motion by Board member Clyde and seconded by Board member Barnes, the meeting
was closed.The meeting adjourned at 9:04 a.m.
Date Approved: August 21, 2020
Utah System of Higher Education
The Gateway
60 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
General: 1-801-646-4784
Scholarships: 1-801-646-4812
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